After Strada Carrara, the story of a child born to nomadic actors, Titino Carrara is back on stage, under the direction of Laura Curino, to tell another true-life story with an adventurous flavour: the romantic and moving story of Beniamino Rossini, a gentleman of the underworld: the dear friend that Massimo Carlotto had already transformed into one of the protagonists of the series Alligator.
From the liberated post-war Milan, through the mountains, he slings his backpack across the border with Switzerland; aboard a ‘Maiale’ of the Royal Navy, towing 8,000 packs of cigarettes per trip under the icy waters of Lake Lugano. Planes, helicopters and then at sea: from Lebanon to Malta, from Venice to Spain to Croatia.
A story of smuggling and robberies, friendships and loves, betrayals and political passions like in a sequence from an adventure film.
Tough: because the life of a criminal is hard.
Funny because Beniamino Rossini is a man of creativity and courage who draws from passion the taste and art of inventing life.
Touching because life doesn’t always keep its promises.
If Beniamino Rossini had been born into a family of theatre people, he would have been an actor of great energy and creativity.
If Titino Carrara had not been born into a family of actors… perhaps he would have been an imaginative and lively delinquent.
Who can say?… he’s good at it: he’s a natural actor… like Beniamino.
The real criminal is the one who knows how to tell a story: criminals leave no testimonies… nothing written, but the stories they live cannot be lost: even the underworld has a memory.
And the actor who doesn’t let stories die in silence also has it.
“Sono Beniamino Rossini, un uomo fortunato. La sorte mi ha regalato un luogo dove lasciare le mie avventure. Non a tutti nella vita è dato di averlo. Io, nella mia, quel luogo l’ho trovato: l’Arte, un buon posto dove lasciare l’esistenza.
Sono Beniamino, questo è il luogo e voi i testimoni: a voi lascio l’eredità del racconto, lascio la mia esistenza”.