
h 11:30 |

  • Municipal Library

Metamorfosi – di forme mutate

Teatro del Lemming

METAMORFOSI – di forme mutate, freely inspired by Ovid’s METAMORFOSI, offers each participant a radical, intimate and personal immersion in the space of ritual, myth and dream. Access is reserved for a group of only five spectators per performance. A maximum of four performances per day are planned.

In METAMORFOSI the idea of ​​a return to the sacred dimension, proper and original to the theatrical experience, is at work. In addition to implying a totally immersive experience, the work also proposes a possible access route to another level of reality, where at stake, through our senses and our body, is – in some way – our very existence, placed at the crossroads between the world of the living and the world of the dead, between our present and our irretrievably lost past. It is as if one were to fall into an intimate and interior space, into the labyrinth of a memory that is both personal and archetypal. The Metamorphoses sung by Ovid are thus reflected in the many metamorphoses that each of us goes through in the continuous movement of death and rebirth. In an era of frenetic and bulimic consumption of standardized images and mass spectacles, the theater here is constructed as a ritual and mysterious space, in which the distance of a video screen is opposed by the presence of bodies and the fire of a shared experience.

This work – which represents the fourth theatrical Studio for the Company after Ovid’s METAMORFOSI – embraces the limitations induced by the recent and sudden Covid 19 health emergency, without renouncing the Company’s specific sensorial poetics also called “Teatro dello spettacolo”.

8, 9 august – Festival Dei tacchi 2020

* (for up to 5 people)
Full €12 / Reduced €10
non-subscription show, not purchasable online, reservation required

with Alessio Papa, Diana Ferrantini, Fiorella Tommasini, Katia Raguso, Marina Carluccio, Massimo Munaro
dramaturgy music and directionMassimo Munaro
production Teatro del Lemming 2020