
h 19:00 |

  • Cantina Antichi Poderi

Pesche miracolose – La resistenza di un ragazzo

Luca Radaelli - Teatro Invito

This original story shows us the life of a provincial town in northern Italy, during the Second World War, through the eyes of a child. The eyes of the protagonist give us glimpses of life that take on different contours from those offered to us by the cold and detached study of the events of that tormented era.
The parades in black uniform, the bombings, the partisan struggle, the liberation, in short the irruption of History in everyday life does not interrupt games, friendships. Hunger and cold become a habitual companion, to be countered with forays to steal fruit from the trees. It tells of an era in which life is still in close contact with nature. And it is precisely from the natural element, from the lake and from fishing, that the protagonist of the story will draw his personal epiphany. The miraculous peaches: the first following a bombing that by killing the fish finally fills the bellies of the hungry people, the second made with dynamite stolen from the partisans. A series of experiences that mark the young protagonist, that will make him enter the world of adults, on a long journey in a society “that no longer makes wars” and where “freedom is not just a word”. A time that is worth remembering, as an adult, and recalling even to those who were not there.

With this show Teatro Invito continues its journey through the “places of memory”, aimed at conceiving theatre as testimony, which finds in history the source to tell how we are now. A narrative theatre founded on the presence of the actor, on the evocative power of the word, on the essentiality of the scene and of the action. A theatre that re-establishes the relationship between actor and spectator in the sharing of the narrative heritage.

by and withLuca Radaelli
directionRenata Coluccini