In the beginning there was an idea. There was the desire to talk about God (sic).
What is this God? What do we seek in this Father who has forgotten us, but whom everyone seems never to forget?
What are we looking for in this being, in this world, in this life that is ours, but never fully belongs to us?
Where do our children come from, what is this something that has no name and yet exists, and have we at least once touched it with the fingers of our soul? What is it that we call soul?
What are we chasing?
Our questions wander breathlessly and unanswered in a land abandoned by its sky. The indifference of the earth: a land that every moment reiterates the extraneousness of the human event that it hosts without knowing it and to which it sends only messages of insignificance.
[…] We see microphones.
We see puppet actors (do you remember Takeshi Kitano’s Dolls?).
We hear drops of acid sweat falling.
We hear cries of joy. And cries of pain. Much, much suffering irony.
And then a thrilling soundtrack. Music at full blast to dance the impossibility of
finding, today, a meaning. “Our heart is like a bird locked in a cage – the Sufis tell us – when you dance the heart sings. And then it rises to the sky”.