
h 10:00 - 13:00 |

  • Barigau Square

Round Table: From the Places of Theatres to the Theatre of Places


A moment of reflection to provide a snapshot of those experiences that in various parts of Italy artistic directors or cultural programmers have been able to, wanted to and knew how to do by dialectically engaging with places and developing, in making theatre, a synergic relationship with the territory.
Paolo Bonaldi: Teatro stabile di Bolzano
Clara Cottino, president and artistic director of Crest of Taranto
Andrea Porcheddu, journalist, theatre critic and university professor, former artistic director of the Teatro delle Mura Festival in Padua
Renato Sarti, actor and director of the Teatro della Cooperativa in Milan
Coordinated by Giancarlo Biffi, director and Artistic Director of the Festival
with the partecipation
Mario Marco Piroddi, Mayor of the municipality of Jerzu
Giovanni Soru, Mayor of the municipality of Ulassai
Bruno Pilia, President of the Province of Ogliastra Giuseppe Loi, President of the GAL Ogliastra
Maria Lucia Baire, Regional Councillor for Culture Sebastiano Sannitu, Regional Councillor for Tourism Massimo Zedda, Vice-President of the VIII Regional Council Commission

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