What determines the non-contradiction between the mafia culture and the Catholic one?
How is it possible within the same Church to have a God of executioners and a God of victims?
On stage, it is a mafioso himself who speaks: the stories and facts are filtered through his gaze.
The Mafia can count on powerful myths, rites, rules and symbols of strong appeal, without which it would be like a people without religion, without ideology.
The mafiosi have built an image of themselves as ‘men of honour’, champions of order who do justice, but in their long history they have never defended the weak against the strong or the poor against the rich.
The mafia is a phenomenon of the ruling classes, of power.
We have given shape to a narrative creature, a dark soul, the dark side of meridian thought.
The hell of the living is not something that will be; if there is one, it is what is already here, the hell we inhabit every day, that we form by being together. There are two ways to avoid suffering from it. The first is easy for many: accepting hell and becoming part of it to the point of no longer seeing it. The second is risky and requires constant attention and learning: seeking and knowing how to recognize who and what, in the midst of hell, is not hell, and making it last, and giving it space.