
h 21:30 |

  • Stazione dell'Arte

Giovanna D’ArPpO


A dreamy and deranged washerwoman dreams of great heroic deeds. Finding no enemies worthy of her, she transforms her laundry into a grotesque battlefield.

In his almost wordless shows, he creates small absurd universes, his characters move bravely – but in vain – in search of happiness. Their tragicomic situation is exposed in a ruthless and cruel way, capturing the audience’s attention and offering great entertainment at the same time.

Full ticket €10.00
Reduced ticket €8.00
Exclusively for under 26s, over 65s and residents of Jerzu, Ulassai and Osini.
The conditions for taking advantage of the reduction will be checked at the entrance.

byGardi Hutter and Ferruccio Cainero
directionFerruccio Cainero

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