
h 19:15 |

  • Stazione dell'Arte

Fought as they played


«I don’t know who coined the expression Years of Lead. The fact is that this label stuck to my adolescence. To the point of almost making me feel guilty for having grown up in those years and for having laughed and loved and rejoiced in those years, years of murdered deaths. Because that lead calls for bullets. But lead is also the leaden gray of the fog, which covered Milan in those years, and which has now disappeared. And lead is also the material used in newspaper presses, the true setting of a period in which a lot of reading and discussion was done. However, I prefer to think of another use of lead: what fishermen do with it. Cork is important but lead is also essential: only by combining lightness and weight can you achieve effective fishing. Only with the weight of lead can you go below the surface, where the hidden reality lies.”
A story that takes place in a provincial town in the 70s. The reconstruction of contradictory events, sometimes epic, sometimes tragic. A group of kids who “fought as they played”, with the illusion of being able to change the world. A narrative show to shed light on a period almost always painted in dark colours, dedicated to a generation that, perhaps, has not lost.

by and withLuca Radaelli
directed byLaura Curino

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