
h 19:00 |

  • Santa Barbara Wood

Feriti da tanta bellezza – Giacchè


Wounded by so much beauty – Meeting with Piergiorgio Giacchè
In the beginning was beauty (and in the end, too)
The theme is beauty as a given situation in nature, the problem is beauty pursued in culture; like armed thieves, the world has long been questioning itself and questioning itself inside, demanding: “art or life?”

In addition to the shows, this year’s edition of the Festival includes meetings with friends we call “guides”. Special meetings, in places chosen by the guide and where he will take us to tell us a story, a memory, a reflection, a wound.
“Wounded by so much beauty” is the name we give to this moment. It is the first time we try this “initiative” within the Festival. It seems to us that sharing a story told with other people is something beautiful and perhaps necessary in these times.
Five or six friends (not actors) on different days, will take turns one at a time, in different corners of the woods they will tell us something that has to do with “beauty”. Certainly not a conference or something similar, but rather a narrated story, true or false as you prefer, about the emotion that beauty gives, and the great need we have for it. A simple story, that “arrives” … to those who will be listening. No questions, no debate, a dry story and then off … Each with his own thoughts. Without a microphone, with people crowded around. In the afternoon before the start of the shows. A suspension of time, a journey in company to other places, with other people … for other visions.

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