
h 17:30 |

  • Cantina Antichi Poderi



There are stories that need to be told because they are beautiful, they are important, they have value. Since I have worked as a teacher in a hospital I have been lucky enough to see and experience many of them and I wanted to tell them, because we know that if you tell a beautiful story, if you share it, it becomes even more beautiful. This story was born from the question that I have been asked most often in the last fourteen years: “How do you do it?” which implies: how do you see children who suffer, how do you see parents who suffer for the suffering of their children, how do you live all this without being destroyed. The answer is not in the wind but on the Swing. That’s where I think I found it.
But is it possible to tell stories of extraordinarily normal people with balance, while sitting on a swing? Not having an answer I started looking for it, I started digging and I think I found it.

by and withANDREA SERRA
live music by DANIELE SERRA (guitar)

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