“We started from the story of Pinocchio, which everyone knows, to write and scenically invent new adventures for this character who has been part of the collective imagination for many years. The point of view we adopted, the lens through which we reviewed all his adventures, is that of safety. All-round safety, to tell children how precious this body that is lent to us is and how much we must learn to take care of it in all aspects of our lives. But since we wanted to address an audience of very young people, it was essential that this message, to be effective, pass through play and fun, rewriting the classic scenes of Pinocchio in a contemporary key. So the Talking Cricket is fully equipped with all the safety devices to avoid Pinocchio’s famous hammer blow that would have him smashed against the wall. Mangiafuoco is an entrepreneur forced by law to equip his puppets with safety harnesses to make them work safely. The Fox is a braggart who pretends to be a friend. Lucignolo tries to ensnare our hero by taking him to the modern Land of Toys, which is nothing other than a large cell phone, from which Pinocchio will only be able to detach himself for the love of his father. A fun way to address topics that often seem too serious, to reach the hearts of the little ones and plant the seed of health and safety, of attention, of care, of the awareness that everything can be done, but in safety.