
h 22:30 |

  • Cantina Antichi Poderi

Of the nightingale I envy the fate


Cassandra’s talent as a prophetess is traced back to the animal, uncivilized, and wild sphere. In the Oresteia the chorus compares her incomprehensible lament to the song of a nightingale: the title of this performance-cry comes from the response of the “unheard young woman”, where Cassandra’s battle is recalled by Stefania Tansini’s body-voice in the moments preceding her unjust killing as a slave/adulteress and ξένη/foreigner.

withStefania Tansini
concept and directionDaniela Nicolò, Enrico Casagrande
dramaturgyDaniela Nicolò
live soundEnrico Casagrande
sound environmentsDemetrio Cecchitelli
technical direction and lighting designTheo Longuemare

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