
h 21:30 |

  • Stazione dell'Arte

ITIS Galileo


Being brilliant, in difficult circumstances, can be a problem, especially for others.
This is the starting point of the curious in-depth work that Marco Paolini and Francesco Niccolini have dedicated to the figure of Galileo.
The father of modern science, in fact, appears to contemporaries as a great popularizer of his studies, but above all as a mind that remains open to doubt until the end, until old age. When we talk about Galileo we always think of a venerable old man: it may be a question of iconography, but perhaps it is also because we understand that the scientist never retires with his head. Indeed, he achieves the most important discoveries after the age of sixty.
Galileo lived four hundred years before us, in an era governed by certainties and rigidity of thought, but some elements return today to reopen the comparison with that past.

Marco Paolini’s goal with this theatrical show is to involve in reasoning, not only in telling, to arrive at a situation in which the audience is not sitting quietly, knowing that they have to be spectators and that’s it. A dialogue is staged in the theater, even if not exactly above the highest systems, but at least on a “minimum common and multiple”.

source: https://www.jolefilm.com/spettacolo-teatrale/itis-galileo/

with Marco Paolini
by Francesco Niccolini and Marco Paolini
historical consultancy of Giovanni De Martis
scientific consultancy of Stefano Gattei
technical direction Marco Busetto
productionMichela Signori, Jolefilm