Luca Radaelli

Luca Radaelli, born in Lecco on 29 May 1959, graduated in Foreign Languages and Literatures at the University of Milan in 1985 with a thesis entitled “Peter Brook and A Midsummer Night’s Dream”; his theatrical training is due to a series of laboratory experiences with Renzo Vescovi, Yves Lebreton, the Teatr Laboratorium of Wroclaw, Eugenio Barba, Ludwik Flaszen, Gabriele Vacis, Giuseppe Manfridi; as a director and playwright he has directed the Teatro Invito company since 1989, creating the shows “Sogno Andaluso”, “Carillon”, “At that time” (finalist for the 1991 Scenario Award), “I storie di Giuan Candela”, “Ti memoria di Red Cloud?” (Signals 1994), “Il Partigiano J.” (Segnali 1996, Stregagatto selection 1997), “Adamo & Eva, lessons of love” (Segnali 1997), “The story of the Betrothed” (Segnali 1998, Special Jury Mention at the ETI/Stregagatto Award 1998), “Hansel and Gretel” (Segnali 2000, Best Show Mediterranean Festival Ben Arous 2001), “Macbeth’s forest” (Segnali 2001), “Ulysses” (Segnali 2002, Mostagem festival award 2002), “The stranger’s fairy tale”, “Goodbye Adda goodbye ”, “The dinner on stage” (co-author Mauro Rossetto – Segnali 2004), “Without fear”, “The legend of the wild man” (Segnali 2006), “Contour stories”, “The infamous column”, “Little blues riding hood” ” (Segnali 2011) who have participated in numerous exhibitions at national level; he directed “Storia tutta d’un fiato” by the Compagnia Albero blu, winner of the 2006 Otello Sarzi prize and the 2006 City of Lugano prize; he directed and translated into Spanish and Catalan “Hansel i Gretel”, which debuted at the Fira de Tarrega 2002, with the company La vacacosmica of Lerida (Spain), which collected more than 300 performances throughout Spain, and “Pinotxo bric à brac” with the Zum Zum Teatre Company (Segnali 2007), and “Moby Dick” with Remoreu Teatre; he directed “The Exception and the Rule” by B. Brecht and “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” by Shakespeare for the Brusio Company (Switzerland); he directed “Il ventaglio” by Goldoni, “Antigone” by Sophocles for the Poschiavo Company (Switzerland), as well as the celebrations for the nomination of the Bernina red train as a UNESCO heritage site; he directs “Fibonacci à Bougie” of the Théatre Regional de Bejaia (Algeria) as part of the program for the Cultural Capital of the Arab world; he participated in tours in France, Germany, Switzerland and Malta, as well as international festivals in Algeria, Croatia, Austria, Turkey, Tunisia, Armenia and Pop Rep. of China; he conducted several workshops on the actor’s dramaturgical work and on street theater at the University of Milan, at the Association of Popular Culture of Balerna (Switzerland), at the Carte Jeunes of Lugano, at the University of Palermo, at the Festival ” Filo d’Arianna” of Belluno, at the “FestTeatro” Festival of Tirano, for the Province of Piacenza; he participated with the text “Miraculous peaches” in the 2003 edition of “Trame d’autore” and with the text “Sooner or later the rain will fall” in the project “La fabbrica dell’uomo” organized by Outis in Milan; conducted a workshop at the Institute of Italian Studies of the University of Cambridge (UK) in 2001; he participated as a speaker at the conference “Théatre et imaginaire des enfants” at the Boumerdès Festival (Algeria); he participated as a speaker at conferences on children’s theater in Lecco, Como, Pavia, Lugano, Udine, Belluno; conducted several workshops with children and young people from middle and high schools in Lecco, as well as refresher courses for teachers in the Province of Lecco, Sondrio, Milan; conducted a refresher course for actors on dramaturgy for the Province of Piacenza in 2007; in 1992 he was curator of the project “The places of memory” for the Municipality of Lecco; collaborated with the Civic Museums of Lecco on a multi-year project on theater in relation to museum education, directing the actions “The betrothed in the places of the betrothed”, “From re-enactment to historical investigation. 1945/95”, “Theatrical visit at Casa Manzoni”; he also collaborated with the Centro Studi Manzoniani for the “Theatrical Visit to Casa Manzoni” in Milan; he was co-director of the Campsiragoteatro Festival in 1996 and 1997, participating, for the dramaturgy, in the project “Il Paese dei Vinti” (co-production of the Teatro Invito, Teatro Città Murata, Teatro La Ribalta, Erbamil and Tangram companies); he was artistic director of the “Let your mother take you” show from 1992 to 1997 and from 2001 until today, of the “Comedians frightened warriors” show from 1992 to 1996, of the “Posto Unico” show of the Province of Lecco in 1998, of the “Biblos/Ethnos/Teatro Giovani” 1999/2000, as well as consultant for various municipal festivals; he participated as a juror in the selections for Segnali of the Lombardy Region in 1994, in the selections of the 1997 and 1999 Scenario Award, and in the selections of the 1998 and 1999 ETI/Stregagatto Award; he was artistic director of the “Teatro Ragazzi” review of the Province of Sondrio from 1994 to 2000; he has been artistic director of the “Le valli del teatro” Festival since 2001; he was artistic director of the European project “The Enchanted Mountain”, a festival of shows dedicated to the mountains in 2003/2004; he was vice-President of the Association Theater for Children and Youth (Italian section of the Association Internationale du Théatre pour l’Enfance et la Jeunesse, Assitej) from 1996 to 2006 – he participated as an Italian delegate at the World Congress in Rostov – na-Donu in Russia in 1996 and Tromso in Norway in 1999; he has been the creator and artistic director of the Popular Research Theater Festival “L’ultima luna d’estate” in the Brianza area of Lecco, the most important summer theater festival in Lombardy, since 1998 (15th edition); he is a solo actor in the show “Una question of life and death”, written in collaboration with Beppino Englaro, on tour since 2009 and in the show “In capo al mondo – in viaggio con Walter Bonatti”, on tour since 2013.

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Upcoming events

4 Aug

4 August 2024 ⋅ h 19:15

Stazione dell'Arte

Fought as they played


«I don't know who coined the expression Years of Lead. The fact is that this label stuck to my adolescence. To the point of almost making me feel guilty for having grown up in those years and for having laughed and loved and rejoiced in those years, years of murdered deaths. Because that lead calls for bullets. But lead is also the leaden gray of the fog, which covered Milan in those years, and which has now disappeared. And lead is also the mat...

Past events

7 Aug

7 August 2022 ⋅ h 19:00

Cantina Antichi Poderi

Lear e il suo matto


Reading Shakespeare one comes across a reality made of contrasts: the high and the low, the lofty and the vulgar, the comic and the tragic. In perhaps his darkest tragedy, King Lear (written, among other things, precisely in the wake of a plague epidemic that had closed London theaters for a year), Shakespeare takes away from the spectator every certainty, every fixed point. The king talks to his fool and it is not clear which of the two is the ...

7 Aug

7 August 2020 ⋅ h 19:00

Cantina Antichi Poderi

Pesche miracolose – La resistenza di un ragazzo

Luca Radaelli - Teatro Invito

This original story shows us the life of a provincial town in northern Italy, during the Second World War, through the eyes of a child. The eyes of the protagonist give us glimpses of life that take on different contours from those offered to us by the cold and detached study of the events of that tormented era. The parades in black uniform, the bombings, the partisan struggle, the liberation, in short the irruption of History in everyday life do...

8 Aug

8 August 2017 ⋅ h 18:00

Cantina Antichi Poderi

Macbeth banquet


A “homemade” banquet for a murder committed within the family, in which the protagonist’s ambitions will vanish in a cloud of steam. A kitchen, a place where dark dishes and cruel machinations are prepared. In Macbeth banquet a cook tells the Shakespearean story with the help of tools and foods available in a kitchen. A single actor enters the thoughts of the characters and interprets their gestures and actions, the cook officiates a theat...

7 Aug

7 August 2014 ⋅ h 17:00

Sa Pranedda Canyon

In capo al mondo. Viaggio con Walter Bonatti


What is a hero? Who leads an exemplary life and what life is more exemplary than Bonatti’s? Behind Walter Bonatti there are not only the legendary mountaineering feats, nor the famous explorations conducted for Epoca, behind Bonatti there is a philosophy of life. There is the will to reach the goal without compromises, in a fair comparison with Nature. There is the humility to confront cultures different from ours. There is a great sense of j...