A personal story, like those that happen on the train, in line at the post office, in a waiting room… whenever someone wants to listen and finds themselves discovering how different the lives of others are from ours, and how similar to ours are the emotions, needs and instincts that guide them.
We imagined a symbolic event, for a few spectators at a time because to tell your life you need the intimacy that cancels distances. Mamadou is a young citizen of the Ivory Coast who set out on a journey “without a valid reason”: there was no war in his country, he was not persecuted, he even had food every day, three times a day.
Mamadou’s is a brazen and arrogant story, which tells us about a boy who simply thought he was entitled to a chance in life to pursue a dream. A long story, which crosses the desert and begins with the encounter with the most capable trafficker in all of Africa: Sita the saleswoman.
The project is inspired by that of the Human Library born in Denmark, in the firm belief that telling stories is the best way to get closer, even and especially in this time that has necessarily required physical distance.