
h 17:15 |

  • Helmar Schenk Conference Room (Ceas Room)

Presentation of three books by Ulassai authors


STUDI OGLIASTRINI Indici 1984 – 2022
Private Library Edition “G. Cabizzosu”

The “Studi ogliastrini”, the prestigious series of the Diocese of Lanusei, a true identity library of Ogliastra, finally has an index.
Few territories, even in our beautiful Sardinia, can boast an entire series dedicated to them. It was Father Vincenzo Mario Cannas, “a historian of great and recognized competence” who, in the now distant 1984, as Tonino Loddo says in his introduction: “decided to create a publication that would bring the history and culture of Ogliastra to the knowledge of scholars and enthusiasts”. This extraordinary initiative was given the name of “Studi ogliastrini” and its aim, according to its creator himself, well expressed in the opening article of the first issue, was: “to develop and propose to the attention of scholars a complex of themes, studies, investigations, historical, scientific, literary, artistic, environmental research, not only to know and make known Ogliastra, but as a means of socio-economic promotion of a region in need of everything and everyone”.
The rapid process of urban expansion that has occurred in recent decades requires us to rethink and redefine the concept of inhabiting spaces.
The excessive growth of cities produces strong negative impacts especially in vast territories.
The main urban development models of the modern era have in fact attacked and consumed important resources contained in these spaces, increasingly reducing the possibilities of restoring these assets in the future.
However, recently, we are witnessing the ethical crisis of these traditional models; some signs such as climate change, the struggles for social injustices and the saturation of densely populated spaces confirm the negative trend that these processes assume in the perspective of common collective well-being.
In this regard, in remote places of the world, rural communities persist that preserve ancestral lifestyles, privileging nature through a deep identity relationship, and that could offer precious knowledge on how to inhabit the spaces of tomorrow.
In this study, the case of the Tacchi d’Ogliastra Territory and its custodian communities will be investigated as a contextual example.
Through listening and comparing with local common knowledge, we will try to generate a new cognitive map of the Territory that takes into account the spaces and places indicated by the inhabitants as resources to be reconfigured.
By stimulating new pro-active paths that start from the bottom, new ways of supporting the integrated management of the territories could be configured.
Furthermore, we would try to mitigate the serious phenomena of depopulation that these landscapes face, strengthening the centrality of socio-territorial environmental protections.
Nowadays, the territory is no longer seen as an inert space; rather, it represents the result of local strategic practices and conditions of possibility for action.
It is identified as a programmable resource within representative processes and active structures, social and institutional practices, starting from new scenarios of union and design of the space.
Interpreting and recognizing the differential quality expressed by vast territories could therefore reveal the advantages and potential of inhabiting these spaces in the future.
Conceived and created by Giuseppe Cabizzosu, for use exclusively within the Ulassai municipal library and his personal library (www.giuseppecabizzosu.it), the author has decided to share this work with the outside world.
The privileged recipients of this operation will be, first and foremost, all libraries, public and private, operating in the Ogliastra area, to which this index will be provided completely free of charge after having updated it on the basis of each new issue of the series “in the concomitant hope that the work done so far may find a generous and passionate continuation”.


NEW WAYS AND SPACES OF LIVING. Uno studio del territorio dei Tacchi d’Ogliastra
By Gabriele Campus

The rapid process of urban expansion that has occurred in recent decades forces us to rethink and redefine the concept of inhabiting spaces.
The excessive growth of cities produces strong negative impacts especially in large territories.
The main urban development models of the modern era have in fact attacked and consumed important resources contained in these spaces, increasingly reducing the possibilities of restoring these assets in the future.
However, recently, we are witnessing the ethical crisis of these traditional models; some signs such as climate change, the struggles for social injustices and the saturation of densely populated spaces confirm the negative tendency that these processes assume in the perspective of common collective well-being.
In this regard, in remote places of the world, there are rural communities that preserve ancestral lifestyles, privileging nature through a deep identity relationship, and that could offer precious knowledge on how to inhabit the spaces of tomorrow.
In this study, the case of the Tacchi d’Ogliastra Territory and its custodian communities will be investigated as a contextual example.
Through listening and comparing with local common knowledge, we will try to generate a new knowledge map of the Territory that takes into account the spaces and places indicated by the inhabitants as resources to be reconfigured.
By stimulating new proactive paths that start from the bottom, new ways of supporting the integrated management of territories could be configured.
Furthermore, we would try to mitigate the serious phenomena of depopulation that these landscapes face, by strengthening the centrality of socio-territorial environmental protections.
Nowadays, territory is no longer seen as an inert space; rather, it represents the result of local strategic practices and conditions of possibility for action.
It identifies itself as a programmable resource within representative processes and active structures, social and institutional practices, starting from new scenarios of union and space design.
Interpreting and recognizing the differential quality expressed by vast territories could therefore reveal the advantages and potential of inhabiting these spaces in the future.



edited by Giuseppe Cabizzosu
readings byPierpaolo Piludu

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