
h 18:30 |

  • la VIA del miele amaro nel bosco

OPERAPÈ, si può morire d’amore per un fiore?


The first time you open a hive, you feel the emotion you have when you violate something unknown where frightening and unexpected surprises can be hidden. The beekeeper plays with that mystery. You find yourself in front of a world more evolved than ours in which mysterious and unfathomable forces act that can often take on dark tones and ephemeral phenomena, flashy manifestations of a secret soul. What is most disturbing, however, is the indifference in the face of death. The bee has within itself the cult of love for the future.

first study – from an idea by Mauro Mou

from an idea by Mauro Mou
by Alessandro Lay, Mauro Mou, Silvestro Ziccardi
with Mauro Mou, Silvestro Ziccardi
care and development of the movement of Alessandro Carboni, Officina Ouroboros
original sound and arrangements by Matteo Carta
costumes in collaboration with Marcella KI
energy consultancy Guido Coraddu, Altrenergie
technical direction by Giovanni Schirru
directed by Alessandro Lay
ProductionCada Die Teatro (Cagliari), Fondazione Stazione dell'arte (Ulassai)

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