My Father and I comes when a musician who suddenly could no longer play in public and did not know when he would be able to do so again, dove pen in hand into his relationship with music. And he discovered that that pen was able to dig deep, very deep, where he never would have believed. From that pen the streets of the neighborhood appeared on paper, the blacksmith’s shop where a domestic rooster in full light ate iron shavings while a child did his first exercises on the violin under an intermittent neon light, the first receiving free and the the other laboriously chasing the approval of Mastr Sardon, the best blacksmith from Gargano to Milan.
This is the story of all the fathers who out of love design a destiny for their children and out of obstinacy ensure that that path is followed, almost forgetting that the only way for their children to pass on their teaching is to betray it.
And it is the story of all the children who try to build their own destiny by defending their daily choices, their work, their love, especially when it comes to homosexual love and telling it to u Mastr Sardon and to the women of the porn calendars in his back room is not easy.
My Father and I is the story of a betrayal, that of expectations: a father who was raising a music professor good for giving lessons and grandchildren who would complete his old age finds himself faced with an artist, who has all the qualities of an artist , even the precarious worker, married yes (as he had certainly taught him with the iron distinction of family roles), but with another man.
A father and son who today have little in common and nothing to say to each other, yet continue to meet in the theater, one under the stage lights and one in the dark mixed in the audience, to enjoy the music that has always united them.