
h 11:00 |

  • Municipal Library

Incontri – Smontaggio drammaturgico di Kohlhaas

Marco Baliani

Marco Baliani will be at the Festival this year not only as an actor, director and playwright but also as a teacher.
Three days of workshops.
A series of three meetings in which Marco Baliani explains his working method for telling stories, going from text analysis, to exercises, to the use of techniques and the actual creation of a narrative show.

– Smontaggio Drammaturgico di Kohlhaas
– Ogni Volta che si Racconta una Storia Pt. 1 e 2

Max 20 people

Saturday 3, Sunday 4, Monday 5 from 11:00 (duration of each meeting 2 hours and a half).

Cost 50 euros including admission to the Kohlhaas show, which is required to participate in the workshop. The Kohlhaas performance is scheduled for Friday 2 August at 9:30 pm at the Cantina Antichi Poderi di Jerzu.

Workshop Marco Baliani (€ 50)

by and withMarco Baliani

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