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Amnesia – Stories for a Guest’s Home


The unique experience of theatre in homes, which unites various Italian theatre realities, arises from the need and desire to bring theatre to meet people in the places of life and everyday life, where people meet intimately and get to know each other. One day I found in a book by Ermanno Cavazzoli, “Vite brevi di idioti”, the character that gave me the key to the show Amnesie: a character who gets lost in the city and the story seems almost like a report from the traffic police; these types who get lost in the city exist, I met one personally in Modena. This is how the character I bring into homes was born, Mr. Boni, who knows hundreds of stories, from all over the world and from all times, but suffers from amnesia and often gets lost and when he catches up with the thread of the story, then he finds himself in the great flow of stories, which is like a river where the events of men mix and merge, even challenging the absurdity. Amnesie is born with the complicity of the guests; I usually involve the hostess in two episodes, without her husband’s knowledge.

by and withStefano Vercelli

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