20th Festival dei Tacchi

FESTIVAL DEI TACCHI, twentieth edition. An important milestone for the festival historically organized in Ogliastra by Cada Die Teatro. From 2 to 8 August, the municipalities of Jerzu, Ulassai and Gairo will once again become the stage for the international Festival that marries theater and art with the environment, landscape, traditions, food and wine, development of the territory and local tourism in the name of sustainability.

The program is rich and full of events: 36 artists, 18 shows spread across 8 stages, a national premiere. And then workshops, scenic outcomes, book presentations, round tables, meetings dedicated to dramaturgy. A program with significant numbers, accompanied by the close collaboration, now consolidated for some time, with the Cantina Antichi Poderi di Jerzu and the Stazione dell’Arte di Ulassai (in the indelible and unmistakable sign of the memory of Maria Lai), irreplaceable locations, and with associations and tourist operators of the territory.Twenty years racing against time, twenty years of meetings, hugs, actions, for a theatre that continues in its mission of proposal and renewal: in every place, in any situation, for every single spectator, says Giancarlo Biffi, artistic director of the Festival and Cada Die. Which continues and emphasizes: “ Twenty years old and not feeling it, for a Festival dei Tacchi that unfolds in time and space and permanently continues to operate in the intimacy of the soul, opening up to the panoramas of its environments, both natural and social. Jerzu, Ulassai, Gairo are not just three towns along a road, but above all the sign of a stubborn resistance to homologation, in the courageous and stubborn search for its own specificity ”.

Actors and authors of the caliber of Max Paiella, Marco Baliani, Giuliana Musso, Ascanio Celestini, Luigi D’Elia, Gardi Hutter, considered the most famous clown in the world, the “hosts” of Cada Die Teatro, musicians such as Paolo Fresu and Paolo Angeli: these are just some of the presences that will give prestige to the twentieth edition of the Festival dei Tacchi.

Ogliastra of Theatres and Tacchi as a laboratory of art and culture, in dialectic between avant-garde and tradition, environment and community. A large artistic construction site where it is possible to try to represent, taking inspiration from everything that dances around it, a theatre for today ”, Biffi explains further. “The local one that competes with the global one, preserving its strong particular character. Not the simple undergoing of speeches, laws, methods centrifuged by others in other contexts but the strength and the need to be a voice listened to in the international artistic concert. A female theater, welcoming and generating, in persevering search for comparison: between the low and the high, the experimental and the popular, the landscapes and the people who live there ”.


The Festival dei Tacchi is a formidable meeting between humility and audacity. The humility of those who are aware that there is still much to do and the audacity in expressing, in scenic form, the urgency of never ceasing to give representation to dreams. And we… after twenty years, we are still here ”. In the words of the artistic director Giancarlo Biffi, the specific meaning, in the name of continuity, of the festival and of the twenty-year encounter between Cada Die and Ogliastra, between the many and different theaters and the landscape and the territory of that part of the Island that become theater themselves and an integral and fundamental part of the Festival. Which, not by chance, renews the relationship with the network “Nei Teatri dei Paesaggi”, born from the collaboration between Cada Die, Campsirago Residenza of Lecco, with its festival “Il Giardino delle Esperidi”, and the cultural association Inti of Brindisi with “Il Salento racconta”.

Festival dei Tacchi number 20, therefore, which this year will present itself at the starting line more peacefully combative than ever.

Theater, landscape and environment
Festival dei Tacchi has been an experience of cultural and sustainable tourism for 19 years.

From 2nd to 8th August in Jerzu, Ulassai and Gairo


2 Aug

2 August 2019 | h 17:30

Municipal Library

La chiave dello zucchero

di Giacomo Mameli con Giacomo Mameli e Tonino Serra Edizioni Il Maestrale

The Second World War told by 7 direct protagonists, and within their stories a multitude of repressed tragedies. Soldiers, prisoners of war, partisans...

3 Aug

3 August 2019 | h 17:00

Cantina Antichi Poderi

Il catechismo della pecora

presentazione del libro di Gesuino Némus con Silvestro Ziccardi

Il catechismo della pecora (The Catechism of the Sheep) is the title of the new adventure narrated by Gesuino Némus, unforgettable author/protagonist...

4 Aug

4 August 2019 | h 19:00

Stazione dell'Arte

Rosmarino, ma tu mi vuoi?

di e con Giancarlo Biffi disegno luci Emiliano Biffi suono Matteo Sanna illustrazioni di Valeria Valenza edizioni Segnavia

A tender story of love and brotherly jealousy for young readers, narrated through images from the beautiful autumnal tables of Valeria Valenza What h...

2 Aug

2 August 2019 ⋅ h 19:00

Cantina Antichi Poderi


Max Paiella

The 60s. Years of growth, years in which the social elevator worked and so it happened that the son of the worker could become a doctor. Max Paiella in the dual role of narrator and singer, between one song and another, weaves a short story with some anecdotes about life, customs and music of that period. An original production of the Festival dei Tacchi, a national premiere for the new hilarious show of the eclectic Max Paiella, an original work...

2 Aug

2 August 2019 ⋅ h 21:30

Cantina Antichi Poderi


Marco Baliani

The story of Kohlhaas is a true story that happened in 16th century Germany, written by Heinrich von Kleist in memorable pages. In my oral storytelling it is as if I had added to the recognizable bony skeleton of Kleist's story structure, nerves, muscles and skin that no longer come from the original author but from my experience, theatrical and narrative, from my world of visions and poetics. So for example the whole metaphor about the circle of...

3 Aug

3 August 2019 ⋅ h 19:00

Cantina Antichi Poderi

Il principio dell’incertezza unplugged


Inspired by Richard Feynman - famous American physicist, Nobel Prize winner in 1965 for the development of quantum electrodynamics - and dedicated to our children, the show is a Jet Propulsion Theatre production of the Arditodesìo Company, created in collaboration with the Laboratory of Communication of Physical Sciences of the Department of Physics of the University of Trento. A professor climbs through some of the most mysterious concepts of ...


Paolo Angeli

Marco Baliani

Bevano Est

Giancarlo Biffi

Andrea Brunello

Cada Die Teatro

Campsirago Residenza

Gianluca Casadei

Ascanio Celestini

Emanuele Cioglia

Luigi D’Elia

Paolo Fresu

Gardi Hutter

Giacomo Mameli

Alessandro Mascia

Mauro Mou

Giuliana Musso

Gesuino Némus

Max Paiella

Pierpaolo Piludu

Luca Radaelli

Renato Sarti

Tonino Serra

Compagnia Stradevarie

Su Cuncordu Iscanesu

Teatro della Cooperativa

Teatro Invito

Silvestro Ziccardi


3-8 August 2019

Council Chamber



Diretto da Gardi Hutter
Dedicato dedicated to clowns and aspiring clowns

“To be complicated is simple; to be simple is complicated,” writes Hutter. “Every clown is an original. His comedy is based on clear, logical, radical and surprising ideas, which are reduced and condensed to the utmost simplicity.” The work will be based on watching what happens in an improvisation and finding ideas to develop the story, then finding a surprise ending. “To relax, train and find your focus, we will do various games and p...

May - August 2019



Per un teatro di Comunità

Diretto da Mauro Mou
Dedicato to citizenship

A long-term project – it will take place between May and August – that of PER UN TEATRO DI COMUNITÀ, a theatre workshop led by Mauro Mou. Objective: to build a series of actions and events linked to the creation of a final scenic outcome participated in by the entire community and represented in the urban spaces of the town of Jerzu. It will be dedicated to the history, material and immaterial culture and traditions of the Jerzu and Ogliast...

3-5 August 2019


Municipal Library


Marco Baliani – Workshop

Diretto da Marco Baliani
Dedicato to all

Marco Baliani will be at the Festival this year not only as an actor, director and playwright but also as a teacher. Three days of workshops. A series of three meetings in which Marco Baliani explains his working method for telling stories, going from text analysis, to exercises, to the use of techniques and the actual creation of a narrative show. – Smontaggio Drammaturgico di Kohlhaas – Ogni Volta che si Racconta una Storia Pt. 1 e 2 Max ...

Full immersion

With the aim of increasingly establishing relationships with places and inhabitants of the host territories, and of combining the theatrical experience with an immersion in the uncontaminated nature of the Tacchi d’Ogliastra, spectators will be able to choose to participate in the yoga course, to excursions and guided tours in the area.

In collaborazione con Forestas, ci sarà la tradizionale giornata di “Puliamo il bosco” e la “Caccia al tesoro” immersi nella vegetazione del bosco di Sant’Antonio a Jerzu.

The places of the Festival

Cantina Antichi Poderi

Via Umberto I, 1 ⋅ Jerzu


⋅ Jerzu

Mereu Square

Mereu Square ⋅ Jerzu

Municipal Library

Via Armando Businco ⋅ Jerzu

Stazione dell'Arte

SP 11 ⋅ Ulassai

Stories from Tacchi