11th Festival dei Tacchi
in Jerzu and Ulassai from 4th to 9th August 2010
5 August 2010 | h 17:30
- Book presentation
Libri in scena: La terra della mia anima
With Massimo Carlotto, Titino Carrara, Maurizio Camardi
The land of my soul tells the story of the life, the real one, of a character already known to Massimo Carlotto’s readers: Beniamino Rossini. After ...
7 August 2010 | h 19:30
- Book presentation
Angelicamente anarchico
by and with Don Andrea Gallo Mondadori editions
The red priest, the street priest, the new global priest. Don Andrea Gallo is the founder of the Community of San Benedetto al Porto in Genoa, an isla...
7 August 2010 | h 17:30
- Book presentation
Libri in scena: Cuore mancino
by Giancarlo Biffi with Marco Paolini and Andrea Porcheddu
Stories, fragments of life for a generational biography, ’77, Bologna, the revolt… Far away, in places where desire never ends, where words lose a...
4 August 2010 â‹… h 21:30
- Musical-theatrical show
Serata del disonore
It will no longer be laughter that will bury them, but a bit of poetry that will make them feel like shit... An anthological repertoire of the best of Paolo Rossi, from comic and tragic monologues to his songs that have underlined the vices of Italy in the last twenty years, in an improvised contemporary rearrangement. The continuous references from the past to the present, as is Rossi's style, combined with his ability to always be unpredictable...

5 August 2010 â‹… h 21:30
- Theathral show
Terra della mia anima
After Strada Carrara, the story of a child born to nomadic actors, Titino Carrara is back on stage, under the direction of Laura Curino, to tell another true-life story with an adventurous flavour: the romantic and moving story of Beniamino Rossini, a gentleman of the underworld: the dear friend that Massimo Carlotto had already transformed into one of the protagonists of the series Alligator. From the liberated post-war Milan, through the mounta...

6 August 2010 â‹… h 21:30
- Theathral show
ITIS Galileo
Being brilliant, in difficult circumstances, can be a problem, especially for others. This is the starting point of the curious in-depth work that Marco Paolini and Francesco Niccolini have dedicated to the figure of Galileo. The father of modern science, in fact, appears to contemporaries as a great popularizer of his studies, but above all as a mind that remains open to doubt until the end, until old age. When we talk about Galileo we always th...


Giancarlo Biffi

Cada Die Teatro

Maurizio Camardi

Massimo Carlotto

Titino Carrara

Giovanni Carroni

Furio Di Castri

Don Andrea Gallo

Alessandro Mascia

Mauro Mou

Giuliana Musso

Marco Paolini

Pierpaolo Piludu

Paolo Rossi


Antonello Salis

Renato Sarti

Silvestro Ziccardi
4-8 august 2010
Sogno di una notte di mezza estate: i comici
Diretto da Renato Sarti
Dedicato Cuori di panna smontata, young students of the School of Performing Arts La Vetreria
When we talk about comedy, we often forget the fundamental contribution − in intelligence and irony − made by actresses of the caliber of Franca Valeri, Franca Rame, Ave Ninchi and Tina Pica. The three scenes of the artisans representing the Tragedy of Pyramus and Thisbe during the wedding of the lords in A Midsummer Night's Dream are a constant fixture of comic theatre, and the more the clumsy performers of the ramshackle amateur company try...

The places of the Festival
Stories from Tacchi
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- 2024, Press Review
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- 2024, Press Review