Roberto Mercadini

“I tell stories (which contain stories (which contain other stories)). Sometimes on a stage. Sometimes on video. Sometimes inside a book.”
Roberto Mercadini (Cesena, 1978), narrator, author-actor, writer, poet and popularizer, performs throughout Italy with his monologues which range from the Hebrew Bible to the origins of philosophy, from evolutionism to happiness, from the great interpreters of literature on social issues (bullying, environment and ecology).
In 2018, ‘Storia perfetta dell’errore’ was published by Rizzoli, his first novel. In 2019 the Teatro Stabile d’Abruzzo (with artistic direction by Simone Cristicchi) produces its theatrical show ‘Vita di Leonardo’ directed by Alessandro Maggi and texts by Mercadini himself.
In 2020, ‘Bomba atomica’ was released, again by Rizzoli, elected as the Best Book of 2020 by the competition organized by Robinson (cultural insert of La Repubblica) with a jury made up of ‘strong’ readers from all over Italy. In 2022 the book ‘L’Ingegno e le tenebre: Leonardo e Michelangelo’ will be published. Two rival geniuses in the dark heart of the Renaissance, also published
by Rizzoli. Since January 2023 he has been a guest on the program “Splendida cornice” hosted by Geppi Cucciari broadcast on Rai 3 in prime time as a ‘communicator’.
Active online, he has a YouTube channel followed by over 170,000 followers.

Among his monologues
Fuoco nero su fuoco bianco – un viaggio nella Bibbia Ebraica. With translation from ancient Hebrew by the author. Noi siamo il suolo, noi siamo la terra – monologo per una cittadinanza planetaria. A production by Banca Popolare Etica. Felicità for dummies – felicità per negati. La più strana delle meraviglie – monologo da e su Shakespeare. Dante. Più nobile è il volgare – monologo. Moby Dick. Sebbene molti abbiano tentato – monologo L’arte di essere nuovi – lezione- spettacolo sulla pittura del Rinascimento

L’ingegno e le tenebre. Leonardo e Michelangelo, due geni rivali nel cuore oscuro del Rinascimento | Rizzoli, 2022 Bomba Atomica | Rizzoli, 2020 Storia perfetta dell’errore | Rizzoli, 2018
Io non scrivo mai niente. Monologhi cosmici | Sagoma, 2016 Sull’origine della luce è buio pesto | Miraggi Edizioni, 2016 Madrigali per surfisti estatici | Il Ponte Vecchio, 2011 – rist. 2019

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Upcoming events

3 Aug

3 August 2024 ⋅ h 19:15

Cantina Antichi Poderi

Moby Dick (although many have tried)


Moby Dick does not tell a story. It is not a novel. Perhaps not even a book. It is a monster that stands among other written volumes as the white leviathan stands among other sea creatures. Moby Dick cannot be narrated, “though many have tried” (to quote Melville). What can a narrator do with it, then (and in the time of a narration)? He can at least make some incandescent fragments shine; make us sense, by synthesis, the entire light, the en...

Past events

8 Aug

8 August 2023 ⋅ h 19:15

Cantina Antichi Poderi

Noi siamo il suolo, noi siamo la terra. Monologo per una cittadinanza planetaria


Did you know that bats contribute as much to the U.S. economy each year as Microsoft? And that the Sahara Desert fertilizes the Amazon rainforest? What do NASA astronauts and ancient Hindu ascetics have in common? Paradoxes, dazed characters, comical and disconcerting stories. A seemingly visionary monologue, but based on rigorously scientific data: to reflect on the very close link between ecology and economics, on what an ecosystem is, on how...

7 Aug

7 August 2023 ⋅ h 22:00

Stazione dell'Arte

Leonardo e Michelangelo. Il disegno delle cose invisibili


Leonardo defines music as a way to draw what is not visible to the eye: "the figuration of invisible things", he writes. But more generally, all his art is a way to show what escapes the gaze: states of mind, internal anatomy, certain minute details of nature, certain almost imperceptible shadows.The expression, then, is particularly fitting also for another giant of his time: Michelangelo.Buonarroti is never satisfied with representing reality a...