Ascanio Celestini

My name is Ascanio Celestini, son of Gaetano Celestini and Comin Piera. My father puts the furniture back, old or antique furniture, he was born in Quadraro and as a boy he was taken to work under a master in the shop in San Lorenzo. My mother is from Tor Pignattara, when she was young she was a hairdresser for someone who had cut the hair of the King of Italy and at that time she danced ballroom dancing.
When she got married to my father she stopped dancing. When I was born she stopped being a hairdresser. My paternal grandfather was a carter in Trastevere. The accident left him severely disabled and he went to work at the Iris cinema in Porta Pia. In the morning he did the cleaning, in the afternoon and evening he was the mask, at night he was the guardian. His wife was called Agnese, she was born in Bedero. I remember that he made his shoes with old gloves. My maternal grandfather was called Giovanni and was a woodcutter with Primo Carnera. My maternal grandmother was born in Anguillara Sabazia and her name was Marianna. Her sister, Fenisia, removed the evil eye and she told stories of witches.

  • 2011
  • 2017
  • 2019
  • 2022
  • 2024

Upcoming events

7 Aug

7 August 2024 ⋅ h 21:30

Cantina Antichi Poderi

Antigone’s wedding


The word Myth comes from the Greek mythos which means story. Ascanio Celestini has always told stories. Even before he was born, because it was his father and before him his grandmother who told the story. Celestini collects stories and leaves a memory of them. He is capable of listening to many and distilling one collective one. In the reading “Le Nozze di Antigone”, accompanied by Gianluca Casadei’s accordion. The text is his personal rew...

Past events

6 Aug

6 August 2022 ⋅ h 21:30

Cantina Antichi Poderi

Museo Pasolini


According to ICOM (International Council of Museums) the 5 functions of a museum are: research, acquisition, conservation, communication, exhibition. What could a Pier Paolo Pasolini museum be like? In a display case we could put his first poem: of those verses the memory of two words remains “rosignolo” and “verzura”. It is 1929. While Mussolini signs the Lateran Pacts, Antonio Gramsci gets pen and paper and begins to write the Quadren...

8 Aug

8 August 2019 ⋅ h 21:30

Cantina Antichi Poderi

Storie comiche ferroviarie – Studio Barzellette


A small terminal station. Trains arrive and return because the tracks are broken. An old railway worker talks to the village gravedigger while waiting for a luxury dead man. An emigrant who made his fortune abroad and, now that he is dead, is returning to the village to be buried. While waiting, the railway worker tells his jokes, the ones he has collected from travellers. Unknown people who arrive and leave without leaving anything but their own...

7 Aug

7 August 2019 ⋅ h 21:30

Stazione dell'Arte

Potente e fragile


Research. Writing. The stage. Meetings. Data. Testimonies. Remembering. Reordering. Rethinking. Opening our archives to each other and rediscovering where stories and characters were born. Returning together to the places and moments in which life seemed so powerful and fragile that it could become theater. “What I remember, what I still remember now about Giuseppe, because for me he never died, he is still alive, I see him in every ...

5 Aug

5 August 2017 ⋅ h 21:30

Stazione dell'Arte

Che fine hanno fatto gli indiani Pueblo?


Massive masses of water, moving on the surface of the sea, cause seismic waves that intersect with the movements of the sea depths. This encounter triggers an extraordinary phenomenon: an endless planetary sound that is easy to hear if you are near the Van Allen belts, 20 thousand kilometers from the Earth's surface; just as the Pueblo Indians hear it when they come down from the windows of their homes. They stamp their feet on the ground and the...

9 Aug

9 August 2011 ⋅ h 21:30

Stazione dell'Arte

In fila indiana


La fila indiana was born as a collection of short stories. Short stories written in a hurry – as Ascanio Celestini observes – after the burning of a nomad camp, after the shipwreck of a boat of emigrants fleeing or after the crazy and calculated declaration of some politician. Around these fragments the author has sewn a series of old and new stories to which others have been added over the years until it has become a complete, compelling and...

9 Aug

9 August 2011 ⋅ h 11:00

Mereu Square

Libri in scena: La pecora nera


Books on stage Ascanio Celestini presents La pecora nera "The mental asylum is a condominium of saints. The poor mad donkeys under the Chinese sheets, industrially manufactured shrouds, are saints, the nun who lights up like an ex-voto next to the little light on her bedside table is a saint. And the doctor is the saintliest of all, he is the chief of the saints, he is Jesus Christ." This is how Nicola tells us about his 35 years in the "electri...