
4 Aug

4 August 2022 ⋅ h 18:30

Council Chamber

Contus a calori ‘e fogu


Chatting and telling, or talking while telling, was a ritual around the fireplace on winter nights, with the family gathered and wrapped in a single blanket of affection; or in the evening, when in the neighborhoods the people who lived in close contact gathered in the small spaces between the houses to be together. Then, in the streets illuminated by a dim light, you listened to the older ones, who spoke, “allegànta", of the past that you did...

4 Aug

4 August 2022 ⋅ h 21:30

Stazione dell'Arte

Dagli scarti nascon tesori


The documentary, closely linked to the show Pesticidio, and supported by the Fondazione di Sardegna, gives voice to women and men from Sardinia who tell the feasibility and success of totally eco-sustainable initiatives created with what is usually considered "a problem to be disposed of". Unexpected visions and opportunities emerge: "zero-cost solutions" that could be applied in different areas and places. From waste, treasures arise is an invit...

4 Aug

4 August 2022 ⋅ h 22:15

Stazione dell'Arte



Bachisio is a simple man, strongly tied to his land. Together with his wife and son, like many other farmers, he is fighting against a large company, “Bentulare”, which has purchased enormous plots of land throughout Sardinia to cultivate them intensively. His son, Michelangelo, a graduate in agriculture, has been trying for years to combine the ancient agricultural knowledge of his grandparents with scientific research and productivity, in a...

5 Aug

5 August 2022 ⋅ h 18:30

Sa Tappara Canyon

Voci – Ogni isola ha il suo labirinto


Voci is an experiment, an attempt to tell the myth of Arianna and Theseus from a female point of view, searching for the paradigm of isolation and diversity, enclosed within the labyrinth. And it is an imaginary labyrinth that the two actresses evoke through gesture, song and sound, in a story in the form of a musical work in which the materiality of the word and its evocative power become drivers of vision. Through recurring motifs and quotation...

5 Aug

5 August 2022 ⋅ h 21:30

Stazione dell'Arte

La cortesia dei non vedenti


“What happens in our lives, what must happen, for something of what we experience – a meeting, a book, a journey, a show – to touch us so deeply that it leaves a mark and becomes part of us?” With this question my meeting with 480 students began, in a beautiful theater in Emilia Romagna. The question surprised them. They were expecting a lesson on the First World War in the theater, not a journey around the world and life. From the banks ...

6 Aug

6 August 2022 ⋅ h 17:30

Cantina Antichi Poderi

Gufo Rosmarino al gran circo dei pinguini


It all began when one day, the two penguins, after leaving the writer's refrigerator where they had been living for a long time, decided to get busy, or rather to do what they knew how to do best: to create a circus. And so, Ric and Pic, with their wings constantly moving and their faces always happy, began to tour towns and cities, making the wonderful Great Penguin Circus known everywhere... A sweet and fearless story of friendship and brotherh...

6 Aug

6 August 2022 ⋅ h 19:00

Cantina Antichi Poderi



“I'm afraid. I'm ashamed to say it. Don't say it, but, I would be more ashamed. I'm afraid because I have hope. Because, absurdly, I feel I have still something to lose.” The text of this monologue comes from the novel by Maurizio Torchio, Cattivi, published by Einaudi in 2015. The author's second novel, its protagonist is a prisoner sentenced to life imprisonment and "forgotten" in the isolation cell of an island prison. A tense and ...

6 Aug

6 August 2022 ⋅ h 21:30

Cantina Antichi Poderi

Museo Pasolini


According to ICOM (International Council of Museums) the 5 functions of a museum are: research, acquisition, conservation, communication, exhibition. What could a Pier Paolo Pasolini museum be like? In a display case we could put his first poem: of those verses the memory of two words remains “rosignolo” and “verzura”. It is 1929. While Mussolini signs the Lateran Pacts, Antonio Gramsci gets pen and paper and begins to write the Quadren...

7 Aug

7 August 2022 ⋅ h 11:00

Municipal Library

Storie Meticce


STORIE METICCE is a theatrical project of collected and lived stories, but also a journey within oneself. The show draws inspiration from the book by Francesca Caminoli “Perché non mi dai un bacio?”, focused on the story of Zelinda Roccia and the Los Quinchos Association, which has always been committed to caring for street children in Nicaragua. The images of those children, of their looks, remind me of other boys and girls in my life, met ...

7 Aug

7 August 2022 ⋅ h 17:30

Cantina Antichi Poderi

Racconto Personale


A personal story, like those that happen on the train, in line at the post office, in a waiting room... whenever someone wants to listen and finds themselves discovering how different the lives of others are from ours, and how similar to ours are the emotions, needs and instincts that guide them. We imagined a symbolic event, for a few spectators at a time because to tell your life you need the intimacy that cancels distances. Mamadou is a young...

7 Aug

7 August 2022 ⋅ h 19:00

Cantina Antichi Poderi

Lear e il suo matto


Reading Shakespeare one comes across a reality made of contrasts: the high and the low, the lofty and the vulgar, the comic and the tragic. In perhaps his darkest tragedy, King Lear (written, among other things, precisely in the wake of a plague epidemic that had closed London theaters for a year), Shakespeare takes away from the spectator every certainty, every fixed point. The king talks to his fool and it is not clear which of the two is the ...

7 Aug

7 August 2022 ⋅ h 21:30

Cantina Antichi Poderi

Gola e altri pezzi brevi


In mezzo al mare, performed by Valerio Aprea, is the first monologue written by Mattia Torre, in 2003. In 2012 it was included by Dalai Editore in the homonymous collection of the main monologues that Torre wrote thereafter, expanded in 2019 by Mondadori and in audiobook by Emons Edizioni. Three of these, Colpa di un altro, Yes i can and Gola, as well as an excerpt from In mezzo al mare, are proposed by Aprea himself in a ruthless and hilarious...

8 Aug

8 August 2022 ⋅ h 11:00

Municipal Library

Storie Meticce


STORIE METICCE is a theatrical project of collected and lived stories, but also a journey within oneself. The show draws inspiration from the book by Francesca Caminoli “Perché non mi dai un bacio?”, focused on the story of Zelinda Roccia and the Los Quinchos Association, which has always been committed to caring for street children in Nicaragua. The images of those children, of their looks, remind me of other boys and girls in my life, met ...

8 Aug

8 August 2022 ⋅ h 17:30

Cantina Antichi Poderi

Kon-Tiki. Un viaggio in mare aperto


“Kon-Tiki” literally means “Sun God”. Kon-Tiki is the name of the raft built in the spring of 1947 by the Norwegian explorer Thor Heyerdahl, who set out from the coast of Peru determined to reach the islands of French Polynesia by sea. Without oars, without an engine, using only the sea current, the trade winds and good luck: 101 days on the open sea together with a parrot and five traveling companions who had never sailed before. Thor se...

8 Aug

8 August 2022 ⋅ h 19:00

Cantina Antichi Poderi

Odissea, un racconto Mediterraneo


“And if a God makes me shipwreck on the wine-dark sea, I will know how to bear it, because I have a patient soul in my chest: I have suffered so many misfortunes and endured so many among the waves and in war: let this one also be with them.” “Odyssey” by Homer from the nymph Calypso to the meeting with the young Nausicaa, daughter of King Alcinous. The departure, the farewell to immortality, the storm and the landing on the island of th...

8 Aug

8 August 2022 ⋅ h 21:30

Cantina Antichi Poderi

Dentro. Una storia vera, se volete


“What you have to prove in criminal trials like this is that what happened was absolutely real.” Interview with P.F., magistrate, 29 Oct 2019   «Unfortunately my father himself was a pervert and caused the hysteria of my brother (all the symptoms of which are identifications) and of one of my younger sisters». Sigmund Freud, Letter to W. Fleiss, 8 Feb 1897   “I told her, 'You have to tell me what he did to you, tell me!' ...

9 Aug

9 August 2022 ⋅ h 11:00

Municipal Library

Storie Meticce


STORIE METICCE is a theatrical project of collected and lived stories, but also a journey within oneself. The show draws inspiration from the book by Francesca Caminoli “Perché non mi dai un bacio?”, focused on the story of Zelinda Roccia and the Los Quinchos Association, which has always been committed to caring for street children in Nicaragua. The images of those children, of their looks, remind me of other boys and girls in my life, met ...

9 Aug

9 August 2022 ⋅ h 12:00

Mereu Square

MARGHERITA HACK in bicicletta tra le stelle


You may not know it, but we astronomers really do have a time machine. It is the speed of light. It is what allows us to look back in time. During a long bicycle trip, Margherita Hack tells her husband Aldo about her infinite passion for physics and astronomy. Drawing constant similarities from the world of cycling, Margherita reviews and explains some of the greatest questions of modern science: Einstein's theory of relativity, time travel, t...

9 Aug

9 August 2022 ⋅ h 17:30

Cantina Antichi Poderi



This year, with the young students of Cada Die Teatro, we will try to give voice and body to the community of Telévras, an imaginary town in Ogliastra that is always the protagonist in the novels of Gesuino Nemus, dealing with the mysterious disappearance of a 10-year-old girl. The specificity of the missing girl gives a complex shape to the entire story and the landscape, which ends up identifying with the mystery and beauty of a precious, arid...

9 Aug

9 August 2022 ⋅ h 19:00

Cantina Antichi Poderi

All’alba dell’orrido di Elva


In rural environments, as in urban ones, the war event profoundly changes the relationships between men and women, between parents and children; in particular, the relationships of dependence are altered, redefining responsibilities and roles for the satisfaction of new needs. The young Alba, born in Elva, in the mountains of Val Maira, experiences the First World War as a teenager. Now a woman, she leaves the mountains to realize her dream of b...

9 Aug

9 August 2022 ⋅ h 21:30

Cantina Antichi Poderi

L’anima della terra vista dalle stelle


Dear guys, I would like to give you a greeting and a wish: that you may live in a better world, in what is called the global village, that it is truly global, where there are no more divisions of race, nationality, religion, where we are all truly brothers, all made of the same DNA, for a world at peace, for a world that loves science and that with science tries to improve everyone's life. Best wishes! Margherita Hack “The Soul of the Earth S...