Dear guys,
I would like to give you a greeting and a wish:
that you may live in a better world,
in what is called the global village,
that it is truly global,
where there are no more divisions of race, nationality, religion,
where we are all truly brothers,
all made of the same DNA,
for a world at peace,
for a world that loves science
and that with science tries to improve everyone’s life.
Best wishes!
Margherita Hack
“The Soul of the Earth Seen from the Stars” is the show of music and words that Ginevra Di Marco and Francesco Magnelli brought to the stages of Italian theaters with Margherita Hack for four years, from 2009 to 2013.
On the occasion of the centenary of the astrophysicist Margherita Hack, Ginevra and Francesco decide to return to the stage to tell the story of Margherita and the extraordinary experience they lived together: a mix of stories and music to bring out her thoughts, her person, her work, her life, her choices and the indomitable need to take sides and fight. The audiovisual materials that document the experience of that time, between fragments of the show, interviews and moments of work, will be staged as actors, with the aim of evoking Margherita again with her extraordinary strength. A vital succession of stories and songs, the necessary lightness and the ready joke, to pay homage to a wonderful woman and a great friend. “A personality like that of Margherita Hack leaves its mark on the experience of those who have frequented her, like us, for four years with the show “The soul of the Earth seen from the stars”: a deep trace that emerges from memories and calls us, almost asking us to still exist, to be there, like a living source of new stimuli and thoughts.
We celebrate the birth of Margherita Hack, not the anniversary of her death, so that her life and her example can continue to be an inspiration for new generations and can still support us, down here, on a path that can become, in the light of her Star, stronger and more courageous”
Ginevra Di Marco