The show is a tribute to the figure of Dante and his work in the seven hundredth anniversary of his death. A creation that investigates how to address an audience of young people by offering them a scenic journey to the Inferno of the Divine Comedy, largely respecting its narrative plot and stripping down, simplifying the plot, inventing a language that is sustainable for very young contemporaries but that does not betray the symbolic heart of Dante’s narration. Starting from this last objective, Boldrini has maintained as the backbone of the narrative rhythm the game of rhyme and the tradition of Tuscan storytellers who “translated” Dante’s tercets until the middle of the last century, in the countryside of this region, to a popular and heterogeneous audience. Always borrowed from the tradition of storytellers and storytellers, the actor, to illustrate Dante and Virgil’s descent into Hell, will use a book-theatre from which characters, small scenographies and sounds will emerge. Thus the actor will transform himself into a sort of Virgil for the spectators, like Dante, accompanied to meet Paolo and Francesca, Ulysses, devils of every kind and fantastic and mythological creatures of every kind.
A show for girls and boys aged 7 to 120.