
h 18:00 |

  • Stazione dell'Arte

Gufo Rosmarino nel mondo di Amarilla


“There’s no more time!” Amarilla cried disconsolately: “Without new trees for the forest it will be the end!” Left alone without any more sisters, Amarilla, a little plant with frail branches and few leaves, was very angry and a little sad. The Little Macchillotti Sparrows had caused quite a mess and Mr. Adelmo was too angry. Too much! Mr. Adelmo was so angry with the Little Macchillotti Sparrows who had eaten all the strawberries in his field, that he chased them out of the forest with bangs and explosions. But without the Little Macchillotti Sparrows the Leaf-Eating Ants would soon have taken all of Amarilla’s leaves. So what to do? Escalate the conflict or give up something for the good of all? A solution had to be found and the situation put right. A new day for Rosemary Owl. A new adventure along the paths of growing up. The encounter with talking plants, Sparrows Machillotti, Leaf-eating Ants, in the acquired awareness that every life depends on another life. There is no before or after but a continuous unpredictable succession of events. It is enough to modify one for everything to change.

by and withGiancarlo Biffi
lightsEmiliano Biffi
soundMatteo Sanna
map creationMarilena Pittiu and Mario Madeddu
illustrationsValeria Valenza

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