BEVANO is one of the few rivers that rises at the foot of the Romagna hills, collects the waters of many ditches and streams, reaches the sea flowing into a still uncontaminated coastal area.
BEVANO EST is a service area on the highway, it represents the idea of a “non-place”, a place almost outside of reality, where human materials of all kinds meet and brush against each other.
Bevano Est is a musical project that has been pulsing since 1991 and through the use of acoustic and traditional instruments, it offers a mix of sounds, rhythms and melodies, catalyzed by the simple desire to communicate an original and recognizable way that crosses customs. There is no need for a stylistic belonging but the pride of affirming a conscious, curious and welcoming individuality.
Their music is played with soul and body, with sweetness and anger, with joy and melancholy.
Their music is simply…music.
Bevano Est was formed in 1991 within the School of Popular Music of Forlimpopoli as a project of study of popular music led by Maestro Riccardo Tesi. From the very beginning, attention was turned to a music of the broad and transversal tradition without posing the problem of a philological and specific re-proposition of an area, thus a working method was born that dares to combine melodies and rhythms in a fusion of genres that creates an original and recognizable style.