Since 1981, Gardi Hutter has been touring half the world with his CLOWN THEATRE, reaching 3700 performances in 35 countries to date.
In collaboration with various artists/colleagues she has created and acted in 8 clown theatre shows, sung in 3 musical shows (fun, but not clownish) and in 1 circus clown program. She has been recognized with 20 national and international artistic awards. Several films+videos document, and several university Master’s works analyze, her work. She supports seminars at the universities of Zurich (ZHdK) and Leipzig (Institute of Theatre Sciences). She had the honor of being the COURT JESTER at the Swiss Parliament for the celebrations of the 700th anniversary.
She began his training at the “Accademia di Teatro” in Zurich and completed it in Milan, at the “CRT – Centro di ricerca di teatro”.
In heralmost wordless shows she creates small absurd universes in which his characters fight with great courage – but in vain – in the search for happiness. Their tragicomic situation is exposed in a merciless and cruel way, thus offering the audience maximum entertainment.
Her performance venues are the most diverse: from permanent theatres to former factories, from concert halls to cultural centres, from festivals to favelas and, everywhere, she is welcomed with enthusiasm by both the public and the press.
pic: Stephan Bundi