
h 19:00 |

  • Municipal washhouse

Sei per la Sardegna. Morti favolose di animali comuni


Six for Sardinia
The flood that hit Sardinia shows how much it can cost, even in terms of victims, to let one’s territory become the battlefield of a war between misunderstood development and the forces of Nature. An extraordinary flood, it was said. It was said: an unpredictable phenomenon. Not to mention that, probably, the most unpredictable phenomenon was the drought that tormented the island for a decade.
Einaudi editions

Fabulous Deaths of Common Animals
One day, while walking, I saw a dead pigeon on the ground and I asked myself: “Who knows how pigeons die. If on the ground or in flight. Polizzi’s is an investigation of pure fantasy. A charlatan bestiary like an ancient natural history, scientific like a horoscope. An imaginary zoo inhabited by chickens, herons, horses, Indian cows, camels, penguins, eighteen “fabulous” deaths of animals and a note on the most unexpected death, that of the book’s author.
Caracò editions

In the presence of the authors Francesco Abate and Renato Polizzi
with Celestino Tabasso
by Francesco Abate, Alessandro De Roma, Marcello Fois, Salvatore Mannuzzu, Michela Murgia, Flavio Soriga
editions Einaudi and Caracò