Six for Sardinia
The flood that hit Sardinia shows how much it can cost, even in terms of victims, to let one’s territory become the battlefield of a war between misunderstood development and the forces of Nature. An extraordinary flood, it was said. It was said: an unpredictable phenomenon. Not to mention that, probably, the most unpredictable phenomenon was the drought that tormented the island for a decade.
Einaudi editions
Fabulous Deaths of Common Animals
One day, while walking, I saw a dead pigeon on the ground and I asked myself: “Who knows how pigeons die. If on the ground or in flight. Polizzi’s is an investigation of pure fantasy. A charlatan bestiary like an ancient natural history, scientific like a horoscope. An imaginary zoo inhabited by chickens, herons, horses, Indian cows, camels, penguins, eighteen “fabulous” deaths of animals and a note on the most unexpected death, that of the book’s author.
Caracò editions