
h 21:30 |

  • Cantina Antichi Poderi



A new text for Giobbe Covatta after the theatrical trilogy composed of the highly appreciated titles “Melanina e Varechina”, “Seven” and “Trenta”.
The great Neapolitan comedian returns to the theater to take us on a journey across our continent, talking to us about the different peoples who inhabit it and their territories: mysterious, even incredible, but real! A passionate communicator in defense of the weakest and those who cannot make their voices heard, Giobbe will return to give us a great piece of social comedy. All with his style, without neglecting fun and the pressing comic timing, fundamental ingredients of each of his performances. After all, it is known that, according to Giobbe, the mission of comedians is precisely that of entertaining the audience without preventing them from thinking…

by and with Giobbe Covata