Born in Savignano Irpino, in the province of Avellino, he grew up between Naples, where he later trained as an artist, and Calvi Risorta (in the province of Caserta). After completing his high school diploma in science, he enrolled in the Faculty of Architecture. From 1965 to 1974 he worked in Naples in the organization and promotion of culture, theater and cinema, with the Gruppo Nuova Cultura and as Culture Officer of the O.R.U.N. Board, participating in national conferences in Prato, Parma and Perugia and in a seminar with the Living Theatre; he produced 8 mm films, theatrical research and collaborated with poetry magazines (Uomini e Idee, Continuum). He spent part of his life in the town of Calvi Risorta, a town in the province of Caserta to which he remained very attached.
From 1968 to 1974 he promoted research on popular artistic expression, in two main directions: study and research of peasant and working-class production, and studies on agit-prop theatre; on the basis of this research he staged about ten small shows and intensified his cultural organisation activity. He collaborated with newspapers and magazines of the New Left. In the meantime he also collaborated with architecture and design studios. He has devoted himself full time to the theatre since 1975, the year in which he was a founding member, together with Roberto Ferrante, Massimo Lanzetta, Lello Serao, Ottavio Costa, Antonio Fiore, Amedeo Forte, Paolo Stravato, of the Teatro dei Mutamenti, of which he was a member until 1980. A founding member of the Società Napoletana di Poesia and of the Eutopia Association of Ferrara, once he left the Teatro dei Mutamenti he continued to work with other directors and other companies, staging Zeitnot (1984) in Pontedera, La grande sera (1985), Comedians (1986, directed by Gabriele Salvatores), Accidental Death of an Anarchist (1987, alongside Dario Fo), Teatrino scientifico – Resurrezione (1989), La nave nel deserto and L’acquisto dell’ottone (both 1990). He plays the two uncles in Mario Martone’s Richard II (1993), takes part in Histoire du soldat, and will be Polonius in Hamlet directed by Carlo Cecchi (1998). In 1995 he becomes artistic director of the historic experimental theatre group Libera Scena Ensemble, a company with which he offers the texts of the dramaturgy in a version accessible to the majority of the public, thus giving life to a series of workshops and performances.