Scenic outcome of the workshop directed by Claudia Pupillo. Orpheus is the God of detachment. Of farewell, of the call as an artist outside of life. Perhaps, or inside. Working on Orpheus means first of all working on ancient Greek mythology, on music and on modern and contemporary literature that has continued to refer to this myth up to today. For us it was an example of mystery, of sun and death together, of happiness and of falling from it. For us at the Teatro Botanico it means return (after Progetto Tirrenia), and departure, something from which one never returns. After understanding the myth as detachment, and therefore after having concentrated a first part of the work only and exclusively on Orpheus’ gaze towards Eurydice, after having understood the need for that gaze as a duty towards oneself to proceed towards one’s own life, as Pavese also intends, after all this, we are left with the death of Orpheus: devoured.