The Pirate Ship

The Pirate Ship was born in Graz, Austria in 1987, founded by Enrico Masseroli and Ludovico Antonio Muratori (both of whom left the TTB-Teatro Tascabile di Bergamo in 1982, and had resumed their collaboration a couple of years earlier), together with three young Austrian students/colleagues and the Brazilian actress/musician, with whom they created Rainbow, the first show for urban spaces of the new international ensemble (see Teatro Urbano).
Our name echoes adventurous stories of the sea: the pleasure of the challenge, the contempt for danger of brave, aggressive pirates… that is, outsiders, outside conventions (those of the “official” theatre), free companions, faithful to their own ethical and aesthetic code.
For years, theatre in urban spaces has been the main interest of an international ensemble of artists scattered around the world, brought together each year by the theatre director according to seasonal projects and opportunities. More constant, also linked to the production of indoor shows and educational projects, was the collaboration between the two founders, until the premature death of Ludovico.
In the meantime, Enrico Masseroli continued his study of the extraordinary theatrical forms of the island of Bali (Indonesia), enriching the productions of Teatro Urbano with fruitful contaminations.
Finally, in 2010 he gave life to the Gamelan Gong Cenik orchestra with original instruments of the Balinese gamelan gong kebyar, the fulcrum of today’s ensemble.

  • 2000

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24 Jul

24 July 2000 ⋅ h 21:30

Streets and squares

On the Silk Road


A kaleidoscope of theater, music and dance bursts into the streets, transforming the squares into a magical stage. As if out of a festive dream of a Harlequin-piper, an imposing procession of exotic masked characters on high stilts and in rich costumes makes its way to the rhythm of thunderous cymbals and drums. Our Harlequin, unwillingly involved in an initiatory journey following the court of Kublai Khan, passes through two deaths and as many r...