Marco Baliani

Actor, author and director. With the show Kohlhaas in 1989, through an original research path, he gave life to the narrative theatre that marks the Italian theatre scene. An eclectic and complex figure of contemporary Italian theatre, he has experimented with choral dramaturgies by creating event-shows for many actors, such as Come gocce di una fiumana (IDI award for direction), or Antigone delle città, a show of civil commitment on the Bologna massacre of 2 August, or by directing projects such as I Porti del Mediterraneo with actors from various countries in the Mediterranean area. At the same time, he has continued his personal research in the field of narrative by creating shows such as Tracce, Corpo di Stato and Frollo, protagonists of successful tours and still in Baliani’s repertoire.

Between 2012 and 2015, with Marco Balsamo and Stefano Accorsi, he gave life to the project Grandi italiani: the shows Giocando con Orlando and Decamerone. Vizi virtù passioni were born, in which Baliani is the director and author of the two rewritings.

In 2015, on the centenary of the First World War, he starred in the show Trincea, for which he won the Franco Enriquez award for best performance. This show started the post-narration cycle, a de facto evolution of narrative theatre. The show Una notte sbagliata, also produced by Marche Teatro, which sees Baliani in the dual role of performer and author, is also part of this trend. In the year of the pandemic, Baliani wrote and directed the show L’attore nella casa di cristallo, which was staged from 15 June 2020, the day the theatres reopened, in the square in front of the Teatro delle Muse in Ancona. The show also became a book, published by Titivillus Edizioni.

In 2017, Baliani was called to direct the show Sette contro Tebe staged at the Teatro Greco in Syracuse as part of the 53rd cycle of classical performances. The show was then repeated at the Terme di Baia for the Napoli Teatro Festival Italia and at the Teatro Romano in Verona. Also intended for large spaces is the show Quinta stagione of 2021, based on the poem of the same name by Franco Marcoaldi and staged at the Teatro Grande in Pompeii, with sets by Mimmo Paladino, the soundscape by Mirto Baliani and the production of the Teatro di Napoli.

Furthermore, Marco Baliani has signed as librettist and director the contemporary operas Il sogno di una cosa and Corpi eretici, with music by Mauro Montalbetti. In 2021 he directed the opera Gianni Schicchi, presented by Marche Teatro, with the musical direction of Marco Guidarini.

For the cinema he has been directed by directors such as Francesca Archibugi, Roberto Andò, Saverio Costanzo, Cristina Comencini and Mario Martone. As a writer he has published novels, short stories and essays including Ho cavalcato in groppa ad una sedia (Titivillus editions) and for Rizzoli Corpo di stato, Pinocchio Nero, L’Amore Buono, Nel Regno di Acilia, La metà di Sophia, and L’occasione. In 2021, Bompiani published La pietra oscura, an ecological fantasy that features five kids in the last months of middle school, before each one takes what will be their own path.

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6 Aug

6 August 2019 ⋅ h 19:00

Stazione dell'Arte

Del coraggio silenzioso

Marco Baliani / Nicola Pisu

Usually, the word “courage” is associated with a striking action, dictated by an urgent need, an action that challenges death and takes it over, showing a luminous human presence. It is the “numinous” courage, visible, shown, that happens in extreme conditions, and that then becomes an epic, a story, an example. But there is another type of courage, silent and unobtrusive, and it is this declination of the word Courage that this show wa...

5 Aug

5 August 2019 ⋅ h 11:00

Municipal Library

INCONTRI – Ogni volta che si racconta una storia pt. 2

Marco Baliani

Marco Baliani will be at the Festival this year not only as an actor, director and playwright but also as a teacher. Three days of workshops. A series of three meetings in which Marco Baliani explains his working method for telling stories, going from text analysis, to exercises, to the use of techniques and the actual creation of a narrative show. – Smontaggio Drammaturgico di Kohlhaas – Ogni Volta che si Racconta una Storia Pt. 1 e 2 Max ...

4 Aug

4 August 2019 ⋅ h 11:00

Municipal Library

INCONTRI – Ogni volta che si racconta una storia pt. 1

Marco Baliani

Marco Baliani will be at the Festival this year not only as an actor, director and playwright but also as a teacher. Three days of workshops. A series of three meetings in which Marco Baliani explains his working method for telling stories, going from text analysis, to exercises, to the use of techniques and the actual creation of a narrative show. – Smontaggio Drammaturgico di Kohlhaas – Ogni Volta che si Racconta una Storia Pt. 1 e 2 Max ...

3 Aug

3 August 2019 ⋅ h 11:00

Municipal Library

Incontri – Smontaggio drammaturgico di Kohlhaas

Marco Baliani

Marco Baliani will be at the Festival this year not only as an actor, director and playwright but also as a teacher. Three days of workshops. A series of three meetings in which Marco Baliani explains his working method for telling stories, going from text analysis, to exercises, to the use of techniques and the actual creation of a narrative show. – Smontaggio Drammaturgico di Kohlhaas – Ogni Volta che si Racconta una Storia Pt. 1 e 2 Max ...

2 Aug

2 August 2019 ⋅ h 21:30

Cantina Antichi Poderi


Marco Baliani

The story of Kohlhaas is a true story that happened in 16th century Germany, written by Heinrich von Kleist in memorable pages. In my oral storytelling it is as if I had added to the recognizable bony skeleton of Kleist's story structure, nerves, muscles and skin that no longer come from the original author but from my experience, theatrical and narrative, from my world of visions and poetics. So for example the whole metaphor about the circle of...

9 Sep

9 September 2011 ⋅ h 17:00

Sant'Antonio Wood

Passavamo sulla terra leggeri


Stage outcome of the theater workshop led by Marco Baliani The young students will perform after having confronted themselves during the course with “Passavamo sulla terra leggeri”, one of the most beautiful novels by Sergio Atzeni, published posthumously in 1996 and considered his most important work. ...

8 Aug

8 August 2011 ⋅ h 19:00

Stazione dell'Arte

Books on stage: Ho cavalcato in groppa ad una sedia


Books on stage Marco Baliani with Gavino Murgia presents I rode on the back of a chair Against a society that burns experiences in a vortex of banality, that standardizes feelings according to advertising standards, that flattens the perception of the world according to opaque patterns, that forces the imagination to measure itself with the mere manifestation of reality, against all this I climb onto a chair and show the invisible. Or I try to. T...

6 Aug

6 August 2011 ⋅ h 21:30

Cantina Antichi Poderi

Inquieti figli del Novecento


Evening of readings Stories, adventures, events, of five "restless" characters who have crossed, leaving a strong mark. the century just passed. Fragments of life told by five actors, accompanied on the sax by the formidable Gavino Murgia. ...

4 Aug

4 August 2011 ⋅ h 21:30

Cantina Antichi Poderi



Frollo is the name of the protagonist of the story: a child made of gingerbread who one day finds himself on an adventure bigger than himself. The terrible voracious son of the King is eating the whole country to pieces. He can only be stopped by going in search of a magical substance that can appease his hunger. Frollo sets off and the adventures begin. The story, in addition to crossing the mythical places of fairy-tale anthropophagy, those exp...

6 Aug

6 August 2007 ⋅ h 17:00


L’amore Buono


Presentation of the book (Rizzoli publisher) and the film “When poverty enters the door, love escapes through the window” is written in a shack in Nairobi. After the theater experience with street kids that led to the extraordinary adventure of Black Pinocchio, Marco Baliani returns to Africa for a new challenge. A group of boys and girls try, once again through theater, to explore without veils and without reticence the loving universe of t...