Giulia Bertasi

Giulia Bertasi, graduated in Political Philosophy, started playing the accordion at the age of 22. His teachers include Gianni Coscia, Flaviano Braga, Renzo Ruggieri. She works as a musician and composer for the theatre, collaborating among others with Gigi Dall’Aglio, Arianna Scommegna, Stefano De Luca, Serena Sinigaglia, the Berardi Casolari company and Cesar Brie. She collaborates assiduously with the Atir theater company, of which she is also a member. In 2022 she graduated from the Civica Scuola di Musica Claudio Abbado in Music Composition for Image and Theatre, extending her field of interest to digital music.

Upcoming events

5 Aug

5 August 2024 ⋅ h 19:15

Stazione dell'Arte

And a useless caress was enough to turn the world upside down – anarchic and poetic tale by Piero Ciampi


Biography and anecdotes are left out of this "anarchic and poetic tale" where the words live outside the accompanying music. There is also room, however, for a few song excerpts, performed with intensity and poetic vigor by the actress. Alongside the protagonist is the talented accordionist Giulia Bertasi, who does not limit herself to mere accompaniment, but becomes herself, in many cases, a dramaturgical complement, in emphasizing intimate atmo...

6 Aug

6 August 2024 ⋅ h 19:15

Cantina Antichi Poderi

A thirty-floors tree


A reading of readings and songs on the theme of nature. Poems, stories, songs and reflections that invite us to take care of nature, of Mother Earth, of trees. The tree, with its roots in the ground and its head towards the sky, is the image that recurs in almost all the texts and accompanies us through a cheerful, ironic, ecological, poetic journey. Words that are engraved in the mind as poetry is engraved in the soul. From Pablo Neruda to Maria...

Past events

There are no previous participations.