Compagnia Stradevarie

Stradevarie, an independent company founded in 1999, explores the streets of theater with different genres and languages, from civil and research theater to the interaction between puppet theater, music and words. At the center of the work are contemporary, fragile, grotesque, surreal stories. And underground revolutions. Stories that are collected, rewritten and told, even without words, with a feminine gaze and a touch of irony.

“The shows smolder for years under our ears and then, suddenly, they become urgent. We like to reveal the tricks, and look into the eyes of the spectator. We truly believe that theater is for everyone and we invite, if possible, some old aunt to our debuts. Some shows are for children, our teachers.” Soledad Nicolazzi.

Stradevarie pays particular attention to training, territory and interculturality. Together with ScarlattineTeatro, it has collaborated with the International Organization for Migration with which it curated a theatrical training project at the Department of Pedagogy of the University of Pristina (Kosovo).
Stradevarie has held courses at the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Bicocca University of Milan, workshops at the Circolo Gianni Bosio in Rome and has collaborated with the Italian Theatre Authority as part of the project “CTE – Live performance as an educational experience”. The company has also curated several projects with libraries adhering to the “Born to Read” program, has organized three editions of “Il gioco dell’arte” – Festival of Art and Theatre for Children, in collaboration with the Municipality of Carrara (MS) and with the Sculpture Biennial, and has collaborated with “Il teatro degli incontri” in Milan directed by Gigi Gherzi in theatrical projects within reception centers for political refugees.

In 2016, “Miraggi Migranti”, a show of figures, music and painting on stage, took the company on tour in Ethiopia (2016), where a three-month workshop was also held for young Ethiopian citizens, in collaboration with the Comitato Collaborazione Medica.
Since 2018, Stradevarie has collaborated in the management of the Ex Ospedale San Giacomo Cultural Space in Carrara, together with the companies Semi Cattivi, Policardia Teatro, Antonio Bertusi. Here, Soledad Nicolazzi leads, for the third consecutive year, a theatre workshop on the territory and the landscape aimed at adults.
In 2018, Soledad Nicolazzi and Alessandra D’Aietti were involved in the show “Marbleland”, a monologue that comes from a collection of interviews with quarrymen, entrepreneurs, sculptors, artisans, truck drivers, environmentalists and people who revolve around the world of the Carrara quarries.
Mara Guadagni also collaborates with Stradevarie on the A piazza delle erbe project. Valentina Sarogni collaborated on the Miraggi Migranti project for the documentary film and Barbara Monaco, who passed away in 2017.

Stadevarie’s shows are presented both in theaters and in unconventional contexts.
Soledad Nicolazzi and Alem Teklu are currently busy with their new work, Buda – witch artist and migrant (first study on May 24th within the review “Oltre il ponte” curated by the collective “San Giacomo” in Carrara).

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5 Aug

5 August 2019 ⋅ h 17:00



Compagnia Stradevarie

Marbleland is a scathing theatrical monologue, with original music, dedicated to the theme of the exploitation of the Apuan Alps. A colorful fresco of different voices, as many as the professions and figures of the world of the Carrara quarries, of yesterday and today. The show is born from a year of research and 80 hours of interviews with marble workers and people who have always lived and breathed it. The result is a text of denunciation in th...