Graduated in Physical Education from INEF of Galicia, he began his first steps in the world of circus at the Carampa Circus School in Madrid, where he met Francesca Lissia, his partner in creating the Celso y Frana company and fellow student at DOCH, University of Dance and Circus in Stockholm. Specialized in Acrobatic Portés, Mini-seesaw and Object Manipulation, in 2009 he (re)met with the team of the Compañía de Circo “eia” for its foundation.
After moving to the Carampa Circus School in Madrid, where she met her traveling companion Celso Pereira, she left for Northern Europe, where she graduated with honors from the DOCH, University of Dance and Circus in Stockholm (Sweden), where she specialized in Acrobatic Portés, Mini-bascula and Fixed Barre. With Celso, she created the company Celso y Frana and the show “Here Begins the Story”. Celso and Frana participated in the Hivsinki Circus “Hurjaruuth” (2009) and in “Intervall” de La Central del Circ e la Mercè (2016), and directed the project “Bach sotto l’albero”, with the Coro Polifonico di Cagliari (2015), among other projects.