Bano Ferrari

Urbano Cesare Ferrari (known as Bano) began his theatrical activity by comparing himself with the working methods developed by Eugenio Barba and Jerzy Grotowski and then developing a personal research around the figure of the clown, having among his teachers I Colombaioni and Bolek Polivka. Over the course of over thirty years of activity, alongside his artistic work on stage, he has developed a series of experiences in the field of hardship (in Milan with the C.R.T., with the San Vittore Prison, with the Catholic University, with the Exodus Foundation directed by Don Mazzi, in Rome with the Pontifical Salesian University, with the Faculty of Educational Sciences and the Higher Institute of Social Communications). Bano Ferrari also founded and was part of the Teatro di Ventura, the Filarmonica Clown and the Teatro d’Artificio and currently, in addition to a series of other collaborations, coordinates the pedagogical and artistic activities of the Barabba’s Clowns Onlus Association. He has directed several plays (in addition to the Teatro d’Artificio and the Filarmonica Clown) for the Teatro a Vapore, Davide Giandrini, Giovanni Zola, Nasi Rossi, Menditanti, Barabba’s Clowns. He is the artistic director of some theatre festivals in the Milan area and of Palcoscenico in Festa – Altri Percorsi in Treviglio (Bergamo). He is the author, with Carlo Rossi and Luigi Melesi, of the book “Il corpo racconta”, and with Melesi he is co-author of the volume “La vita in teatro” (published by L.D.C. of Turin). As a clown he has been part of many groups and has participated in festivals and festivals throughout Europe (frequently holding training courses and workshops for actors). In 2001 he founded and directed the company Naviganti e Sognatori.

  • 2004

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7 Aug

7 August 2004 ⋅ h 21:30

Mereu Square

Non ho parole


Stories of ordinary excess. A clown with a dark suit and suitcase stumbles into sociality, flowers, smells, fire, food and then again into space and others. Comedy is no longer an effect, a show of skill, but becomes choral and liberating poetry of all our unconfessed and daily anguish of feeling inadequate and out of proportion in front of the things of life. Signs, actions, words and things....

31 Jul

31 July 2004 ⋅ h 21:30

Europe Square

Non ho parole


Stories of ordinary excess. A clown with a dark suit and suitcase stumbles into sociality, flowers, smells, fire, food and then again into space and others. Comedy is no longer an effect, a show of skill, but becomes choral and liberating poetry of all our unconfessed and daily anguish of feeling inadequate and out of proportion in front of the things of life. Signs, actions, words and things....