
h 20:00 |

  • Ethnographic Museum



Where life ends with its passions and where the media fiction that exploits emotions to accompany tele-sales and commercials or experiments in social control begins, seems increasingly difficult to understand… So our characters will also experience the alternation between hopes and disappointments, to finally understand that only in the common “sensitive closeness” will they find the only alternative to loneliness and alienation.

in collaboration with ASL 4 of Lanusei
Cada Die Teatro – Progetto Migranti . Cada Die Teatro

written and directed by Alessandro Mascia and Mario Madeddu
with the collaboration of Mauro Mereu
music and sound by Giampietro Guttuso
lighting design by Giovanni Schirru
with Barbara Agus, Giorgio Aresu, Matteo Cama Anna Cuboni Debora Lampis Marina Uda (Lanusei), MarĂ­a Bonaria Contu, Luca e Davide Lai, Marcella Puddu (Perdasdefogu), Carlo Loi, Veronica Melis, Giovanni Mura, Paola Murgia, A. Marcella Puddu (Jerzu) Maria Pili (Osini), Mario Piroddi (Ilbono), Manuela Salis (Tertenia), Giancarlo Tegas (Tortoli)