A white shirt, a trumpet and a stool: that’s all you need to tell the story of Charlemagne’s paladins and the terrible Saracens. Camps, knights, duels, enchantments, armor, steeds… a whirlwind of battles and pursuits whose engine is always passion, real or imagined, for a woman, a knight, an ideal. Timeless stories of men from all times, in which everything is paradox, hyperbole, exasperation. Rediscover the pleasure of “fabulation” and the “fascination” of the word, the sense of listening to stories and listening to them together with others. Thus the words of Ariosto’s songs and octaves take on new life, a little betrayed, a little replayed, and the narration advances between flashes of dazzling humor and moments of great intensity, mixing origins, traditions and dialects. In the exciting work of writing some episodes have been taken up again, others reworked, others completely invented as is in the very essence of the art of storytelling.