
h 16:00 |

  • Sant'Antonio Wood

Mappe tattili


Theater workshop among woods and paths led by Bruno Cappagli, for boys and girls traveling between theater and utopia. Boys and girls to the question: “but what do you want?” They have no other answer than that of wanting a possible future world for the human being. An earth on which to continue to live. But the problem is not the earth. The planet has overcome much worse things than us: it has overcome earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, continental drift, solar winds, sunspots, magnetic storms, magnetic reversal of the poles, hundreds of thousands of years of bombardments by comets, asteroids, meteorites, floods, rogue waves, planetary fires, erosion, cosmic rays, recurring ice ages… The planet is not going anywhere… WE ARE! For this reason, as ice travellers, these boys will use tactile maps to find possible tracks, theatrical tracks, poetic tracks, paths that among the trees will make them find thoughts, songs, dances that will tell us about possible visions, utopias to pursue to finally answer that age-old question: “But what do you want”.

stage action directed byBruno Cappagli

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