23rd Festival dei Tacchi
in Jerzu and Ulassai from 4 to 9 August 2022
Thoughts on the Tip of the Tacchi
After two difficult years and the current one certainly not better, in which individual and collective freedoms have been put to the test, we can only cling to art, to theater, to try to stay afloat and resist the barbarity of a time that every day becomes more and more threatening.
In the present that becomes the future, we will have to, as in other moments, walk along ancient paths in which memory and progress will be indispensable ingredients for new flaming encounters, in the bold search for new dreams. All to be lived, all to be experienced for a Freedom to be cared for and protected like the most precious daughter.
In August, Jerzu and Ulassai will wear clothes embroidered with the threads of fantasy, thus transforming the places of living into paths of dreams and visions.
Countries where it would be nice to be born and live, far from the noise, far from the chatter that never turns into stories, far from the chaotic urban rhythm, if they were not often forgotten by politics.
A play with spaces and stories in order to allow the theater to bring its action even deeper and the places to continue to be seduced by the pleasure of the scenic moment.
Leaving behind the daily worries to enter a new dimension, in which suggestion, reflection and emotion become for a few days the new companions of a path that has always been confused with time.
The theater becomes a journey, the twilight lights up with new flashes and the night lights up with life. Giancarlo Biffi
4 August 2022 | h 18:30
- Book presentation
Contus a calori ‘e fogu
di Gianfranco Loi e Tonino Serra con Tonino Serra e Fabrizio Contu
Chatting and telling, or talking while telling, was a ritual around the fireplace on winter nights, with the family gathered and wrapped in a single b...
6 August 2022 | h 17:30
- Book presentation, Theathral show
Gufo Rosmarino al gran circo dei pinguini
by and with Giancarlo Biffi
It all began when one day, the two penguins, after leaving the writer's refrigerator where they had been living for a long time, decided to get busy, ...
9 August 2022 | h 12:00
- Book presentation
MARGHERITA HACK in bicicletta tra le stelle
You may not know it, but we astronomers really do have a time machine. It is the speed of light. It is what allows us to look back in time. During ...
4 August 2022 ⋅ h 22:15
- Theathral show
Bachisio is a simple man, strongly tied to his land. Together with his wife and son, like many other farmers, he is fighting against a large company, “Bentulare”, which has purchased enormous plots of land throughout Sardinia to cultivate them intensively. His son, Michelangelo, a graduate in agriculture, has been trying for years to combine the ancient agricultural knowledge of his grandparents with scientific research and productivity, in a...

5 August 2022 ⋅ h 18:30
- Performance, Theathral show
Voci – Ogni isola ha il suo labirinto
Voci is an experiment, an attempt to tell the myth of Arianna and Theseus from a female point of view, searching for the paradigm of isolation and diversity, enclosed within the labyrinth. And it is an imaginary labyrinth that the two actresses evoke through gesture, song and sound, in a story in the form of a musical work in which the materiality of the word and its evocative power become drivers of vision. Through recurring motifs and quotation...

5 August 2022 ⋅ h 21:30
- Theathral show
La cortesia dei non vedenti
“What happens in our lives, what must happen, for something of what we experience – a meeting, a book, a journey, a show – to touch us so deeply that it leaves a mark and becomes part of us?” With this question my meeting with 480 students began, in a beautiful theater in Emilia Romagna. The question surprised them. They were expecting a lesson on the First World War in the theater, not a journey around the world and life. From the banks ...


Valerio Aprea

Maria Ariis

Associazione culturale Ca’ Rossa

Roberta Balestrucci

Tommaso Banfi

Giancarlo Biffi

Bottega degli Apocrifi

Cada Die Teatro

Eliana Cantone

Gianluca Casadei

Giuseppe Cederna

Ascanio Celestini

Cuori di Panna Smontata

Rossella Dassu

Ginevra Di Marco

Gianfranco Loi

Francesco Magnelli

Alessandro Mascia

Mauro Mou

Marianna Murgia

Giuliana Musso

Il mutamento Zona Castalia

Francesca Pani

Pierpaolo Piludu

Luca Radaelli

Tonino Serra

Teatro Telaio

Silvestro Ziccardi
August 5-6, 2022
9:30 / 13:30
Storie ad alta voce
Diretto da Giuseppe Cederna
Dedicato to all
The STORIES OUT LOUD workshop with Giuseppe Cederna Telling. Telling. Telling. Telling an event we witnessed, an event that has disrupted our daily lives or the story of a friend, a family member. Of a stranger we passed on the street. Telling is also listening. It is memory, invention, truth and editing. Telling a story in a few minutes, choosing the details, the order of events, the tone, the rhythm. Telling with the pleasure and emotion of ha...

4-9 August 2022
9:30 / 13:30
Diretto da Rossella Dassu and Mauro Mou
Dedicato to the Cuori di Panna Smontata
stage action from the novel by Gesuino Nemus “L’ERESIA DEL CANNONAU” by Rossella Dassu and Mauro Mou with Cuori di Panna Smontata This year, with the young students of Cada Die Teatro, we will try to give voice and body to the community of Telévras, an imaginary town in Ogliastra that is always the protagonist in the novels of Gesuino Nemus, dealing with the mysterious disappearance of a 10-year-old girl. The specificity of the missing g...

June - August 2022
Community Theatre
Diretto da Cada Die Teatro
Dedicato to citizenship

Full immersion
With the aim of increasingly establishing relationships with places and inhabitants of the host territories, and of combining the theatrical experience with an immersion in the uncontaminated nature of the Tacchi d’Ogliastra, spectators will be able to choose to participate in the yoga course, to excursions and guided tours in the area.
In collaborazione con Forestas, ci sarà la tradizionale giornata di “Puliamo il bosco” e la “Caccia al tesoro” immersi nella vegetazione del bosco di Sant’Antonio a Jerzu.

Walk for medicinal herbs
August 9, 2022 - from 9:00 to 12:00
- Hike

Yoga class
8 - 9 August 2022 - from 09:30 to 10:30
- Yoga

Weaving course
August 8, 2022 - from 9:00 to 13:00
No results found.
- Weaving Class

Culurgiones class for lunch
August 6, 2022 - 9:30 am
- Cooking class

Guided tour of the cellar
Monday to Saturday 10:30/12:30/16:30/18:30
- Guided tour

Walk to Sa Tappara Canyon
August 8, 2022 - from 9:00 to 11:00
- Hike

Cleaning the forest
August 5, 2022 - 10:00 am
- Hike
The places of the Festival
Stories from Tacchi
- 2024, Press Review
- 2024, Press Review
- 2024, Press Review
- 2024, Press Review
- 2024, Press Review