Ginevra Di Marco

Ginevra di Marco (Florence, 1970) appeared in 1993 when she appeared as a guest on “Ko de mondo”, the first album by CSI. Her vocal qualities immediately made her noticed, and already from the following album “In quiete”, recorded live, she can be considered the first voice alongside Giovanni Lindo Ferretti, the group’s singer. She remained with the Consorzio Suonatori Indipendenti for the following ten years, sharing all the studio albums and tours.

In 1999 she began a parallel solo career with the collaboration of Francesco Magnelli, also a member of CSI. The first is an unusual production, which sees the singer live set to music the images of the silent film “The Phantom of the Opera” from 1920 (with Lon Chaney). Also in 1999 she made her solo debut with the album “Trama tenue”, with which she won the Targa Tenco and the Ciampi Award for best debut album. She also collaborates with Max Gazzè (with whom she will share an entire theater tour in theaters between 2001 and 2002) and Cristiano Godano of Marlene Kuntz, both guests on her album.

In 2001, when CSI disbanded, she continued to collaborate with some members of the group. In the following two years Ginevra devoted herself almost exclusively to the great musical and life experience undertaken with the show “Stazioni Lunari”. The itinerant nature of the project, conceived by Francesco Magnelli, allowed her to further broaden her horizons.

From here begins her new great journey: one that starts from the tradition of his Tuscany to expand to the popular songs of the Mediterranean. Thus she arrives at recording “Stazioni Lunari preso terra a Puerto Libre”, released in November 2006. Songs from the margins of History, from a deep and forgotten world: Romania, Hungary, Greece, the Balkans, the Slavs, the Rom, Portugal, Brittany, Mexico, Chile, the Italians of the South and those of Tuscany.

Around 2011, a wonderful partnership was created between Ginevra and the great scientist Margherita Hack: both Florentines, they decided to create a show that, through music and words, would tell the story of the 20th century and the most modern history of our country, between the limits, the resources and the hope for change. Thus was born “The Soul of the Earth Seen from the Stars”, a live show that would find great success for the following five years in theaters throughout Italy. Margherita Hack tells her story of the 20th century. Fascism, the post-war rebirth, the end of the second millennium, she addresses burning social issues such as immigration-emigration, new energies, work, corruption. Ginevra sings songs such as Amara terra mia and Malarazza by Domenico Modugno, Gracias a la vida by Violeta Parra, Montesole by PGR in a show structure in which Margherita Hack’s story is “the memory”, Ginevra Di Marco’s song is “the motif”.

The contribution of Andrea Salvadori and Francesco Magnelli is fundamental. On stage, in addition to playing, they interact with Margherita with interventions, questions and witty jokes that contribute to provoking those answers full of sympathy and spontaneity typical of Prof. Hack and that have made her popular and much loved by Italians. A book is made from the show accompanied by a DVD containing a documentary film directed by Andrea Salvadori.

In recent years Ginevra continues to cross paths with faces, sounds, memories, and makes her own songs in different languages, she compares herself with artists of the national and international scene in a musical and human exchange.

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L’anima della terra vista dalle stelle


Dear guys, I would like to give you a greeting and a wish: that you may live in a better world, in what is called the global village, that it is truly global, where there are no more divisions of race, nationality, religion, where we are all truly brothers, all made of the same DNA, for a world at peace, for a world that loves science and that with science tries to improve everyone's life. Best wishes! Margherita Hack “The Soul of the Earth S...