
h 17:30 |

  • Cantina Antichi Poderi

Gufo Rosmarino al gran circo dei pinguini


It all began when one day, the two penguins, after leaving the writer’s refrigerator where they had been living for a long time, decided to get busy, or rather to do what they knew how to do best: to create a circus.
And so, Ric and Pic, with their wings constantly moving and their faces always happy, began to tour towns and cities, making the wonderful Great Penguin Circus known everywhere…
A sweet and fearless story of friendship and brotherhood, on the wings of adventure, through the deep feeling of affection. Of houses that are left and houses that are found, immobile houses and houses in continuous movement, houses from which one is taken away and houses to which one wants to return.
Houses, nests, dens or refrigerators… to continue living all together.

by and with Giancarlo Biffi
lights Emiliano Biffi
sound Matteo Sanna
images Valeria Valenza
puppetsMarilena Pittiu, Mario Madeddu