He made his debut in 1977 in Piazza Navona as a street clown. In 1978 he founded the Anfeclown company with Memo Dini where he would stand out for his surreal and mainly physical comedy. Once his autarchic streak was over, we remember him in the theatre in “A Midsummer Night’s Dream” by Teatro dell’Elfo, directed by Gabriele Salvatores; in “Amadeus” by P. Shaffer alongside Umberto Orsini directed by Mario Missiroli; in “The Cherry Orchard” by A. Chekhov directed by Gabriele Lavia; in “Puntila and his servant Matti” by B. Brecht directed by Pino Micol; in “The Fever” by W. Shawn directed by Giorgio Gallione; in “The Great Journey” by Giuseppe Cederna and Francesco Niccolini; in “The Last Summer of Europe” by Giuseppe Cederna and Augusto Golin, directed by Ruggero Cara. In the 2017-2018 season he is on stage with “Da questa parte del mare” by Gianmaria Testa directed by Giorgio Gallione and “MOZART, il sogno di un clown” by G. Cederna directed by Ruggero Cara and Elisabeth Boeke. In the 2018-2019 season he debuts with TARTUFO by Molière directed by Roberto Valerio.
Since his debut, he has alternated his theatrical commitment with an interesting cinematographic activity. Oscar winner with the film “Mediterraneo” by G. Salvatores in 1991, in the cinema he has worked, among others, with Scola, Bellocchio, Comencini, Monicelli, the Taviani brothers, Soldini, Brizzi and Rob Marshall. He has published with Feltrinelli “Il Grande Viaggio”, a pilgrimage to the sources of the Ganges; “Piano Americano”, survival lessons in the golden jungle of a Hollywood set and, with the photographer Carlo Cerchioli, “Ticino, le voci del Fiume – Excelsior 1881”.