May - August 2019
Per un teatro di Comunità
Diretto da Mauro Mou
Dedicato to citizenship
A long-term project – it will take place between May and August – that of PER UN TEATRO DI COMUNITÀ, a theatre workshop led by Mauro Mou. Objective: to build a series of actions and events linked to the creation of a final scenic outcome participated in by the entire community and represented in the urban spaces of the town of Jerzu. It will be dedicated to the history, material and immaterial culture and traditions of the Jerzu and Ogliast...

3-8 August 2019
Diretto da Gardi Hutter
Dedicato dedicated to clowns and aspiring clowns
“To be complicated is simple; to be simple is complicated,” writes Hutter. “Every clown is an original. His comedy is based on clear, logical, radical and surprising ideas, which are reduced and condensed to the utmost simplicity.” The work will be based on watching what happens in an improvisation and finding ideas to develop the story, then finding a surprise ending. “To relax, train and find your focus, we will do various games and p...

3-5 August 2019
Marco Baliani – Workshop
Diretto da Marco Baliani
Dedicato to all
Marco Baliani will be at the Festival this year not only as an actor, director and playwright but also as a teacher. Three days of workshops. A series of three meetings in which Marco Baliani explains his working method for telling stories, going from text analysis, to exercises, to the use of techniques and the actual creation of a narrative show. – Smontaggio Drammaturgico di Kohlhaas – Ogni Volta che si Racconta una Storia Pt. 1 e 2 Max ...