
4 Aug

4 August 2013 ⋅ h 11:00

Demurtas House

Books on stage: Cagliari 1943 – La guerra dentro casa


Books on stage PIERPAOLO PILUDU presents Cagliari 1943, La guerra dentro casa – stories and theatrical itineraries, memory through the eyes of children Il libro è una tappa importante di una ricerca incominciata sette anni fa dal cada die teatro in collaborazione con la cattedra di Antropologia culturale dell'Università di Cagliari e con l'ISRE di Nuoro, sui testimoni dei bombardamenti. Nel libro trovano spazio, oltre a numerose testimonian...

4 Aug

4 August 2013 ⋅ h 21:30

Cantina Antichi Poderi

Benvenuto in…


A few years ago Giovanni Casula asked me to tell some stories he had written, taken from experiences he had lived as an educator within the Psychiatry Service of the SS. Trinità Hospital in Cagliari. The stories that Giovanni had collected maintained an intrinsic strength and expressive originality. However, I wondered "if it was right" to use such intense dramas, true facts and experiences in a theatrical way. Giovanni's work continued and at t...

5 Aug

5 August 2013 ⋅ h 19:00

Mereu Square

Books on stage: Un posto anche per me / Forse non fa – Dieci cose da evitare a Cagliari


"Books on stage FRANCESCO ABATE and CELESTINO TABASSO with PAOLA PILIA present: Un posto anche per me" by Francesco Abate - Ed. Einaudi "Forse non fa – Dieci cose da evitare a Cagliari" by Celestino Tabasso - Ed. Caracò What is the difference between Cagliari and a Russian novel? What is there in Monte Urpinu that is not in the Canadian province of Alberta? What is the true story of the road signs on the 131? How can you learn Cagliari dia...

5 Aug

5 August 2013 ⋅ h 21:30

Cantina Antichi Poderi

Tutti i casini del mondo


Tutti i casini del mondo is the sum of some songs from his latest production, «L'amore è un cane blu, la conquista dell'Est», mixed with pieces of repertoire. A visionary, popular, lyrical and humorous concert. «There are moments in which the stories heard in childhood and the visions of adolescence - says Rossi - become more vivid than memories of life lived, whether distant or recent. There are moments in which the two memories overlap to t...

6 Aug

6 August 2013 ⋅ h 17:00


Canzoniere Orientale


A journey made up of many small stories, created starting from some of the most fascinating Persian tales of the Sufi tradition that intertwine with the stories of the Hasidic tradition (Central-Eastern European Judaism). To recreate the magic of the "One Thousand and One Nights". Reference text: Sufi Tales (RED Edizioni), by Gialàl ad-Din Rumi. Founder of the brotherhood of the "dancing dervishes", Rumi (1207-1273) is considered by many, throug...

6 Aug

6 August 2013 ⋅ h 19:00


Più veloce di un raglio


freely adapted from the story “The Plasterer’s Donkey” by Luigi Capuana. Once upon a time there was a plasterer who had many donkeys, skinny, ugly and dirty; but among all these donkeys he had one that was the ugliest of all. He was skinny, crooked, mangy, with a flayed tail, his legs so ruined that he seemed to be standing by a miracle. But when his master shouted: “Forward fiery!”… the donkey raised his head, lowered his ears to be ...

6 Aug

6 August 2013 ⋅ h 21:30


Max Paiella Show


The show includes a concentration of comic pieces, songs and characters created together with Antonello Dose and Marco Presta at Ruggito del Coniglio, the surreal caricatures of journalistic and political figures created together with Alessandro Rossi and Serena Dandini at Parla con Me and The Show Must Go Off and there is no shortage of paiellate, the parodic songs that can be found in Misfatto (the daily newspaper) on Sundays and on the Radio D...

7 Aug

7 August 2013 ⋅ h 18:00

Stazione dell'Arte

Quincho e la gatta dal ciuffo rosso

What happens to an abandoned puppy when he meets a cat in the company of other stray dogs? A white cat with a red tuft that, although different from the puppies, inexplicably wants to be in their company at all costs. But why? What does she want from them? “Go away! Go back to your home!” The arrogant street puppies answer her rudely, they don’t want to have anything to do with a cat but she has no intention of leaving them, she has no des...

7 Aug

7 August 2013 ⋅ h 19:00

Stazione dell'Arte

Books on stage: L’ho uccisa perché l’amavo. Falso!


Books on stage MICHELA MURGIA with GIUSY FERRELI presents "L’ho uccisa perché l’amavo. Falso!" Crime of passion. Rapture. Jealousy. Depression. Outburst of anger. Family tragedy. Because she left him, chatted on Facebook, didn’t love him anymore, didn’t cook well, worked, or didn’t work. By hiding the victim, the news ends up absolving the murderer: an old story, born in distant times and still alive among us. This is why we must lea...

7 Aug

7 August 2013 ⋅ h 21:30

Stazione dell'Arte

Duomo d’onore – A cento passi dal Duomo capitolo secondo


Dopo il successo di A cento passi dal Duomo, Giulio Cavalli con i giornalisti e gli scrittori che hanno raccontato la Lombardia e il Nord dopo la maxi operazione Crimine-Infinito, ci illustra cosa è successo, cosa succede e cosa succederà nella Regione che tra riciclaggio e corruzione voleva essere la “locomotiva d’Italia” e si è risvegliata colonizzata dalla ‘ndrangheta. I nomi, gli atti giudiziari e le amicizie politiche delle “fam...

8 Aug

8 August 2013 ⋅ h 18:00

Stazione dell'Arte

La piccola tessitrice di storie


Guided tour among the sewn books and stories of Maria Lai La piccola tessitrice di storie Scenic outcome of the theater workshop directed by Silvestro Ziccardi Intended for the children of the primary school of Ulassai, in collaboration with the Stazione dell'arte There was a little girl who had beautiful hair. Her hair was parted a little and her hair fell halfway down her face, hiding one eye. Maria Half Face, Maria Half World, with one eye she...

8 Aug

8 August 2013 ⋅ h 19:30

Stazione dell'Arte

Books on stage: L’innocenza di Giulio


GIULIO CAVALLI with CRISTIANO BANDINI presents "L’innocenza di Giulio", Ed. Chiarelettere "L'innocenza di Giulio" investigates Andreotti's relationships with Cosa Nostra (from dangerous friendships with cousins ​​Salvo and Stefano Bontade, to summits with the bosses of bosses, to the "legendary" kiss with Totò Riina), for which he was tried, he preempted, was acquitted and then found guilty, then barred from the crimes, thanks to the usu...

8 Aug

8 August 2013 ⋅ h 21:30

Stazione dell'Arte

Toni Servillo reads Naples


Naples, a city with a thousand faces and a thousand contradictions in which vitality and desperation have always coexisted, comes to life in the voice of Toni Servillo. A journey through the words of Naples, from Salvatore Di Giacomo to Ferdinando Russo, from Raffaele Viviani to Eduardo De Filippo, up to the contemporary voice of Enzo Moscato and Mimmo Borrelli. What emerges is an escape from the most obsolete icons of Neapolitanity, but at the s...

9 Aug

9 August 2013 ⋅ h 17:00

Sant'Antonio Wood

Cuore di paglia – first study


scenic outcome laboratory Cuori di panna smontata SCUOLA DI ARTI SCENICHE LA VETRERIA Crispino is a 22-year-old boy with a college degree. His face resembles that of Jesus. The son of a separated couple, Crispino spent his childhood with his paternal grandparents. His grandmother, a catechist, and his grandfather, a former union teacher, now retired, taught him everything a good boy needs to know to face life in the best way, while at the same t...

9 Aug

9 August 2013 ⋅ h 19:00

Cantina Antichi Poderi

Toni Servillo tells his story


TONI SERVILLO talks about himself, with WALTER PORCEDDA Together with the journalist of the Nuova Sardegna Walter Porcedda, the Oscar-winning actor retraces the years of his theatrical career, even before his cinematographic one. They will investigate the social role of the theater, the importance of theatrical militancy starting from the foundation of the Teatro Studio of Caserta, passing through the entry to Falso Movimento, up to the present d...

9 Aug

9 August 2013 ⋅ h 21:30

Cantina Antichi Poderi

Calici di emozione: stories, fables, events from the textures of Maria Lai


Giancarlo Biffi, Alessandro Mascia, Mauro Mou, Pierpaolo Piludu, Silvestro Ziccardi, with the guitar of Massimo Ferra and the screening of the video “Le parole dei poeti” by Emanuela Cau. ...