Paolo Rossi

Born in 1953 in Monfalcone, Milanese by adoption, Paolo Rossi has been ranging for thirty years from clubs to large stages, from traditional theater to cabaret, from television to the circus tent: everywhere he has proposed his personal way of putting on a show that, while immersing itself in contemporary themes, does not ignore the teaching of ancient and modern classics, from Shakespeare to Molière, from the Commedia dell’Arte to Brecht.

2023-2024: “From this evening we improvise! The Pirandello method” by Paolo Rossi and Carlo G. Gabardini, Prod. Agidi Srl
2023: “Bread or Freedom for an immense future repertoire” by and with Paolo Rossi, Prod. Agidi Srl
2022/2023: “Scorrettissimo me” – directed by Paolo Rossi – Prod. Agidi
2020/2023: “Bread or Freedom. Su la Testa” – Teatro Stabile di Bolzano, directed by Paolo Rossi.
2021: “Stand Up Classic” by and with Paolo Rossi – Prod. Agidi
2018/2019/2020: “The Anarchist King and the Outlaws of Versailles” by Emilio Russo and Georgia Rossi, directed by Paolo Rossi – Prod. Tieffe Teatro
2017 – 2018: “The Improviser 2 – The Interview” – Tour
2017: “Moliére, the Versailles Play” – Directed by Giampiero Solari – Prod. Teatro Stabile di Bolzano
2016: “The Improviser. Where do comedians come from?” – Production La Corte Ospitale – Guitar: Maestro Emanuela Dell’Aquila
2016: “RossinTesta” – Fuorivia Productions by Paola Farinetti, with the Virtuosi del Carso.
2015/2016: “Moliére, the Versailles performance” – Directed by Giampiero Solari – Prod. Bolzano Stable Theatre
2014/2015: “Harlequin. Acrobats Die” – CRT – Teatro dell’Arte
2014/2015: “The Important Thing is Not Falling Off the Stage” – Production La Corte Ospitale
2014/2015: “Delirium Organized with the Audience” – Production La Corte Ospitale
2014: “Alfred, Alfred” by Franco Donatoni and Gianni Schicchi by Giacomo Puccini – Opera Direction – Conducted by Marco Angius – Production Teatro Lirico Sperimentale A. Belli di Spoleto
2012: “Love is a Blue Dog, the Conquest of the East”, written by Paolo Rossi, Prod. La Corte Ospitale.
2012: “Confessions of a Cabaret Artist of M.” – Corte Ospitale di Rubiera
2011: “Il marito disperato” by Domenico Cimarosa – Directed by Paolo Rossi – Teatro San Carlo in Naples
2010: “Il Matrimonio segreto” by Domenico Cimarosa – Directed by Paolo Rossi
2010/2012: “Il Mistero Buffo” by Dario Fo – Prod. La Corte Ospitale
2008: The collaboration with La Corte Ospitale begins
2008: “Sulla strada ancora” by Paolo Rossi – Directed by Renato Sarti
2007: “Qui si sta come si sta” by and with Paolo Rossi – Directed by Paolo Rossi
2007: “I Giocatori” freely inspired by the novel The Gambler by Dostoevsky. Directed by Paolo Rossi
2005/2006: “Call Me Kowalski” – Accompanied by singer Syria
2004/2005: “Mr. Rossi vs. the Evil Empire” written and directed by Paolo Rossi
2002/2004: “Mr. Rossi and the Constitution – Popular Gathering of Organized Delirium” written and directed by Paolo Rossi
2003: “Tonight We Recite Molière” New Organized Delirium – Laughable Drama in Two Acts – Written and Directed by Paolo Rossi – Compagnia Teatro di Rianimazione
1998: “Romeo & Juliet – Evening of Organized Delirium” Conceived by Paolo Rossi and Riccardo Piferi – Directed by Paolo Rossi
2003: “Tonight We Recite Molière” New Organized Delirium – Laughable Drama in Two Acts – Written and Directed by Paolo Rossi – Compagnia Teatro di Rianimation
1995: “Paolo Rossi’s Circus” Travelling Show with a group of 18 musicians and actors/mimes
1990: “The Two-Lire Comedy” – Directed by Giampiero Solari – Production A.Gi.Di.
1988: “The Visions of Mortimer” – Directed by Giampiero Solari
1987: Recital, Call Me Kowalski
1987: The Times They Are a-Changin’… Another Time … Again!
1985: “The Tempest” with Carlo Cecchi
1985: “Lovers and Comedians” Directed by Gabriele Salvatores – Teatro Dell’Elfo
1984: “Class Enemy” – Directed by Elio De Capitani – Teatro Dell’Elfo
1978: “Histoire du Soldat” – Directed by Dario Fo – Teatro Dell’Elfo

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5 Aug

5 August 2013 ⋅ h 21:30

Cantina Antichi Poderi

Tutti i casini del mondo


Tutti i casini del mondo is the sum of some songs from his latest production, «L'amore è un cane blu, la conquista dell'Est», mixed with pieces of repertoire. A visionary, popular, lyrical and humorous concert. «There are moments in which the stories heard in childhood and the visions of adolescence - says Rossi - become more vivid than memories of life lived, whether distant or recent. There are moments in which the two memories overlap to t...

4 Aug

4 August 2010 ⋅ h 21:30

Cantina Antichi Poderi

Serata del disonore


It will no longer be laughter that will bury them, but a bit of poetry that will make them feel like shit... An anthological repertoire of the best of Paolo Rossi, from comic and tragic monologues to his songs that have underlined the vices of Italy in the last twenty years, in an improvised contemporary rearrangement. The continuous references from the past to the present, as is Rossi's style, combined with his ability to always be unpredictable...